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Everything posted by gig63

  1. With the new update have had slow channel changing, I've done all the normal things cache, background apps, reboot, unplug internet, nothing has changed. I did find in live tv menu/settings/configuration go all the way to the bottom to stream format, it was on automatic after the update so i put it back to TS where it was before no difference update made no difference, I put it back to auto now Everything is set to the way it was before update Thank you for your time everyone
  2. I have fans on all mine just on low stays cool
  3. gig63


    Thank you to everyone behind the scenes good work Have a great day everyone
  4. I had the same problem, everytime i turned the box on I would have to repair the remote How to fix: Turn wifi on then repair
  5. gig63


    All of the buzz remotes work for that box check here buzztvglobal
  6. It's working fine I seen the update and seemed strange not to be able to update Thank you
  7. I am trying to update android system WebView all i get is can't install android system WebView Thank you so much for your time
  8. gig63

    BT 250 Back light

    Well that would totally S__k to have a nice remote like this and no back lite Was the whole reason i got the buddy to buy the the new classic was the BT 250
  9. gig63

    BT 250 Back light

    Okay i know on the BT 200 you press the blue button to turn back light on and off What do you press to get the BT250 back light on and off I can not get it to work Thank you so much for your time
  10. sorry
  11. What remote are you using If you are using BT-400 I want you to show me where mute button is because it doesn't have a mute button
  12. Turn your tv volume up my tv is at 50, then use the box volume
  13. gig63


    How can you see if you are watching a 4K stream on live tv Thank you all for your time
  14. I'm sorry but these all came out in 2022 only new ones are P6 and classic
  15. Nothing is in BETA anymore
  16. gig63

    No power

    sorry what i was going to post was for another box
  17. I have never been able to download 4k vod also Have almost 1 terabyte of 1080
  18. I have the BT 200 with the x5 and yes I got it so it will turn the tv on and works my sound bar
  19. don't click on update all, click on the app so that it's all by itself then click on update this is what i did to get it to work
  20. Get a BT250
  21. I have a 4000 and it works a well as my 4900 and x5
  22. Same as Ryu Version: 5.0.766 Firmware version: v20220919
  23. In live tv click on menu, settings, configuration and in video play try the other player. I had the same problem when i hooked up to my receiver and found backup works best for me
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