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Everything posted by 416guy

  1. My xrs 4500 handles 4k fine. I use 4k from various Iptv services using the buzz app. I also use 4k content though emby and Netflix.
  2. What about adding favorites channels to the home screen like the mate1 boxes have? I'm not sure if the 4000 series has that feature.
  3. Ah yes. Forgot about that you're right about Auto startup. I've been asking for that since the first buzz units came on the scene. At the release party at buzz a couple months ago the talk was that the 4500 series was for the techy people and i had mentioned to one of the guys at buzz that alot of heavy Iptv users use framerate and resolution quite a bit. As resellers that info is even more important. Hopefully we will see this in a future update.
  4. As a reseller I've sold only buzz boxes for 3 years and I've owned pretty much all iterations of the buzz ...I'vealways wanted 2 features.... 1. Show channel info - resolution and framerate 2. Auto startup buzz app from bootup of box Any chance that may come in a future update? Thanks!
  5. On live tv you just press left on the remote which brings up CC options. In VOD you press the green button.
  6. That would be me!
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