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Everything posted by Elie

  1. Elie

    Ethernet Speed

    yes it is ok because I hook it wifi now
  2. Elie

    Ethernet Speed

    it is ok I test the speed on wifi it is download 750 mgb and when I use direct wire it is only download 96 mgb so hook it on wifi more speed i know it is weird but I don't know why
  3. Hello does anyone check the speed I check internet speed test on wire and only getting 96 MGB speed I have 1.5 tb I am getting on my phone wirless 700 mgb and my laptop 688 mgb some one check it on the power station and see ?
  4. Thank you and please try to fix the usb stick with another update to and in the future update to ad multipale servers so you can scroll between thank you
  5. Hello also I just want to let you know looping channels not fix because some Channel still Looping on diffrent servers (like repeating same thing) Thank you
  6. please keep testing and I hope they will fix with new update
  7. I try 2 usb stick with 2 different movie can't read it
  8. USB Stick still not fix Still can't read it
  9. Just releasing ubdate right now I am downloading for all the bugs fix I hope they will put a update for multipal servers so you can Scroll down between channels from diffrent servers they said they will
  10. - Power station 6 not reading the usb stick when you plug a usb is is a bugs need to be fix. - power station 6 is not connecting to the Ethernet direct only wifi also it is a bug wifi work good but Ethernet direct has a problem
  11. Thank you
  12. even after I open VLC I can't see it only is showing internel Storage any idea?
  13. Elie


    hello any one know when the update or if is going to be update to have multipale server at same time what i mean you see all the channels from diffrent server and able to change Channels ?
  14. How to play and read a movie download on usb in buzztv power station 6 when I plug the usb is not detecting ?
  15. hello how to watch a movie on usb stick or external hard drive on buzztv power station 6 Where you go after you put the usb in?
  16. Elie


    ok thanks
  17. Elie


    it is no exit in the new buzztv power station 6 and buzz6 player I think you are talking about the buzz 5
  18. Elie


    how to exit please
  19. Elie


    Hello today I can't switch between servers I have 3 servers and it is stuck on one when I try to go to server and connect it will load and stay in the same server any one have Idea?
  20. Hello if Buzz push update please for power station 6 so we cbange Channels between Multiple Server will be nice thank yoi
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