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Terry mah

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Everything posted by Terry mah

  1. Everything up and running sweet now
  2. I just changed hdmi socket on TV and skipped the remote pairing with the back button thanks again for your help
  3. All sorted now thank you all for the help
  4. How do you get keyboard up on remote I've managed to get past the remote pairing part
  5. I did back button asked if I wanted to cancel Bluetooth pairing I clicked yes and now just back to black screen
  6. Tried back button didn't work seems to be stuck on the pairing screen
  7. Thanks I'll try the back button then
  8. My P6 is stuck here never got any further from first turning it on
  9. Which is info button please
  10. Still cant get mine to pair
  11. Ok thanks.did yours pair automatic or did you hold ok and home button
  12. Just got my P6 but cant seem to pair remote anyone else with this problem
  13. And what you think of it so far or
  14. Thought I might get it faster from buzztv
  15. When did you receive it dishuser
  16. Didn't get answer from either of them so don't think New thread would have done any good
  17. Has anyone received the P6 yet mine is on the way but I'm in UK so won't get it till Tuesday
  18. Has anyone received the P6 yet mine is on way but I'm in UK so won't get it till Tuesday
  19. Just emailed buzztv they told me if you are pre-order they start shipping today in the order they was placed 6th is for new orders
  20. On the site now orders ship 2nd August
  21. The 990 Pro is the one that buzztv have been testing with the p6.i emailed them to see which drive they recommend
  22. Might be worth paying the bit extra for the 990 in all honesty
  23. Thats the same one i was looking at
  24. I been looking at a 1tb Samsung
  25. Anyone adding a drive to it and if so which one are you going for
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