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Everything posted by ismael

  1. ismael

    U5 issue TV series

    thank you, I did not think about this
  2. ok thank you
  3. Yes I consider that the box requiers a fix/update, because I tried a lot of boxes from other brand and with all others brands I can change this setting it's not greyed. Here attached the picture of U5 (setting greyed) and picture from other box (free choice of settings) Both boxes were on HDMI 1 port, with the same HDMI cable. If I post something, it's because I tried everything to resolve the issue and I am sure at 99% that the problem does not come from my side. For me it was obvisous that the box support HDR, I did not ask myself if latest generation box support HDR or not. And my comments / requests are from improving the Buzz box, I like the boxe and I see a very good potential, but some stuff need to be improved. Because competition has also great products and I will be happy to see buzztv as number 1. Thank you for your answer.
  4. in fact it's my provider who tried with an E1 box on my account (it works) and me who tried with my U5 from home (with my account) I will ask the provider if he agress to enter in contact with @allaboutbuzz and maybe they can fix the issue thank you for you answer
  5. or like I said before I want only the box works Really I don't understand why you post aggressively Maybe also portal worked with buzztv4, and with boxes of last generation, from two other renowned brands (out of the box)
  6. maybe I want only my box works ...
  7. ismael

    U5 issue TV series

    When I watch an episode from a serie it's added to recently watched. But the episodes from the same serie are not grouped together. Each episode which is watched display a new icon cover. Definitely all episodes from the same serie should be regrouped in the same icon cover.
  8. ismael

    U5 suggestions

    - it should be a menu with alternative DNS choice (see attached picture), because many problems with ISP DNS (I know we can change settings in router, but I will be more easy to have this option on the box) - it should be an option in the box to disable IPV6
  9. Tried to connect to my iptv supplier with MAC and got this message : Unable to load portal : not supported It's really sad that the portal works with Buzztv Essential E1 and not with the latest Buzztv U5 ... In my point of view, what is working with previous generation box with buzztv 4, should work with new generation box with buzztv 5 Definitely not a portal issue in my point of view
  10. After launching Auto TV setup and configure the sound option you can not shutdown/reboot the box anymore with the power button of the remote. Because the power button of the remote shut down the TV and not the box (after launching the Auto TV setup, before all works fine). The HDMI-CEC from TV send the shutdown signal to the box. To be able to shutdown/reboot the box, the power button of the remote should send the shutdown signal to the box and the box should send the HDMI-CEC shutdown signal to the TV. Now I use the HDMI-CEC option on, without the Auto TV setup, all works fine, except I can not control the TV volume with the box remote. Is there an solution ? Or we should wait fix in next update ?
  11. I can not change the color space setting it's greyed. It's stucked on YCbCr420. Not a problem from my TV, because on the others devices I can change this option. Could you please fix it on next release ?
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