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Everything posted by Gilles1945

  1. So sorry that I have to bug you again. I'm able to pre-register tv channels. But I can't download VOD movie. I get message download fail. In section download VOD all the movies I have chosen are (download failed )
  2. Thank you very much dishuser hope this is last request. I see that there is a new update apparently of March 3 2023 but I check for update and it say I'm up to date. Current firmware version is V20220916 Current IPTV Version: 5.0.799 Last time checked for update: April 07,09:11AM. So do I have to look for updating in some other way to do the update ??
  3. Thanks again dishuser, What is catchup?? Do we have to pay or have a subscription for catchup?
  4. Thanks I see and those who have the play cercle are working but there's not to many channels that as that. Why they don't have this play cercle. Hey thanks for your you are a good coach.
  5. Hi dishuser, Sorry but I don't understand what channels have catchup mean??
  6. Thanks Ryu for helping it's very appreciated. Now I did it but it's not working and it could be my fault. I used the SD card instead of usb. That could be the reason why it didn't work. I have included a picture of live TV. And what is funny is the channel I used to rewind. There's no sound while there is a picture. And went no picture I have sound. But I see the TS to the left of CC REC HD 20230405_101814.heic
  7. Sorry thank you for the quick response. Live TV.
  8. Can't rewind and fast-forward BuzzTV Essentials E2 Max Firmware version V20220916 Last update April 04 2023 Would appreciate your help
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