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Gilles1945 last won the day on December 30 2023

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  1. No I installed from Google play store after resetting
  2. Finally Amazon prime is working after resetting so I guess the problem was with Buzztv.
  3. Hey thanks again dishuser I'm doing this right away. You're a great supporter
  4. Well dishuser I'm in trouble. Amazon has asked me to reset the Bozztv so I did and I can't restore my settings. I did a hard reset still the same problem. When I get main menus -configuration it go back automatically to server setting. What do I do wrong?? Please help
  5. Thanks dishuser good to know. It's appreciated
  6. Hi, Having problems to play amazon prime movies. Message something went wrong! Uninstall the application reinstall same message. Restart Buzz same message. Buzz Last update 2024/09/18 ver.5.0.938 Thanks for your help PS: include a picture
  7. Thank you so much for helping it's really appreciated
  8. Hi, Thank you for helping, I'm experiencing a problem on Canada Aljazira channel. Every few seconds it transferred from 60HZ T0 50HZ. And then from 50HZ to 60HZ Please help
  9. Yes the router is in tye same cabinet of the Buzztv and it will be wired. Thanks again for your help
  10. Hi, thank you so much emporium to take the time to help. Yes I set things up as said. And this weekend I'm changing from Bellaliant to Roger's this mean I will have a new modem/router. So this will change my old modem/router. Hope all this will solved the problem. Have a great day!
  11. Here is something I don't understand I was on MAC server and ask to returned to Xc/API login to try to solved the problem. I have 2 provider and it's always the first to row left that often I have to ask to reset. Went I change to API login I moved the provider with problem to the right. And now that both are on API. The providers to the left still need to be ask for reset. Did someone ever had this problem?
  12. Thank you Emporium I ask my provider as you ask to do and it's working now.
  13. OK I will thank you for the information it's appreciated
  14. Yesterday my Buzztv X5 128ai was working OK but to day I can't login to the server. updated 17th August 2024. Working on MAC server Message checking portal?? Message Cannot load portal:Not supported Try again My supplier saying everything at there end is running OK. Can you tell me where's the problem. I did a factory reset re-install all information of my supplier updated Buzztv disconnect power of box,modem,router for an hour still same problem.
  15. Hey thanks that was it my sound is back. Thank you so much very appreciated.
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