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  1. Yes I did a full reboot turn it off and on again and still freezing, I guess I’ll have to wait and see what it is Could be the new player
  2. Thanks for the update, but i seeing more freezing on channels with this update could be on the server side don't know. x5 ai 64
  3. Thanks emporium! That worked great!
  4. no i don't have a 5.1 surround system, will try that.
  5. MilMascaras


    Hello, There is a problem with the sound going all the way and can’t be controlled with the remote. A message pops up saying to use a tv remote to adjust volume. Notice this happens on channels with a 5.1 sorround sound. Running the latest update.
  6. SAMSUNG MUF-64AB/AM FIT Plus 64GB - 300MB/s USB 3.1 Flash Drive Formatted extfat and only happens when using it.
  7. like what? all i noticed is that it happens when time shift is on. every top of the hour it freezes. using a usb flash drive.
  8. a new bug that i noticed when using time shift is that every time it hits the top of the hour it freezes for like 20-30 seconds every time, using a x5 box.
  9. Having same issue using a x5, end up just disabling. Notice when disabled channels with different streams come in using xc login. Waiting for an update that will get this box running the right way.
  10. How do you reload the server? By hitting refresh? Cause I did that.
  11. yes on both, i was trying it right now on both settings and it froze, buzz tv 5 restart it by itself.
  12. Yes I have many times , I already reset the box like two times and start all over. Don’t know what to do anymore.
  13. The reason I used the backup is beacause the primary doesn’t work is telling me that the media is not recognized , try to use VLC or something else with no luck telling me an error also
  14. i know is the box cause i have a different box and a tablet using an app and i don't have these problems.
  15. there is a couple , one is when playing a video on demand and using the backup player it takes a long time for the video to start playing also when stooping the video the box just freezes for a while then it goes to the main menu. also when using buzz tv5 for live TV and i surf to different channel suddenly it freezes and kick me out to the main menu or i have to restart the box. sometimes it doesn't let me connect to the server for some reason takes a couple of restart to connect again. using XC Login, using the latest firmware 20221011 Firmware Version 5.0.775 Buzz 5 App Version
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