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nbs. last won the day on February 2

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  1. Contact your provider
  2. You'll have to provide a lot more info than that to get help Model software firmware mac xc etc
  3. The ipvanish in aptoid store has an issue Use Google play instead
  4. In the aptoid store or Google play
  5. Yes the service that starts with an o is having issues with their vod
  6. Thats half an answer
  7. Please humor us and post latest firmware and software.
  8. No one asked you what model you have
  9. Just a minor issue when adding a server When you go to server url the http:// is highlighted in blue and as soon as you type something it deletes the http:// instead of going to the end Like I said minor issue
  10. Send ALL your info to allaboutbuzz so they can look at the issue
  11. If you don't know how to put a file on a USB stick go to Google play on the buzz and download it
  12. Download it from aptoid market or Google playstore Or Load apk on usb stick and sideboard it
  13. I've tested mac servers by using stbemu on the same box
  14. If you have only one installed i don't believe there is a popup
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