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nbs. last won the day on March 8

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  1. What model? Firmware? Software?
  2. nbs.

    Set live ...

    Not yet Hitting the buzz icon on remote takes literally 2 seconds if that
  3. Does your service have another url you could try.?
  4. You have to open the bottom compartment on the p6 to find reset hole Follow this procedure
  5. You should message allaboutbuzz tomorrow as the shop is moving this weekend I cant speak for buzz but ivdont see a problem with an exchange
  6. Maybe a hdmi cable possibly Mac xc or m3u?
  7. Your tv isn't recognizing the edid of HDMI
  8. My x5 ss works fine with lg oled As far as customer support who did you email Did you message allaboutbuzz? Customer support is excellent
  9. He also said reset modem /router
  10. Unplug router for 5-10 seconds
  11. Your last 5 posts have been in the L1 forum not the p6 Buzz 6 is not exclusive to the PowerStation
  12. Its not happening with this device
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