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Everything posted by PapaS

  1. This may be related to the latest version of analti. Alot of people talking about this on another streaming forum. You might want to try a different speedtest app or use older version of analti. Hope this helps, good luck
  2. Also have "0"
  3. One solution @Flyinghigh is to use wolf launcher and install a weatherwidget. I know this isn't a real solution but I like my weather on my home screen too so that works for me.
  4. @emporium I was without internet since Sunday due to squirrels chewing my optic fiber cable to pieces so sorry for not responding sooner. I did only have two options but after the update a week ago all four started showing again so it was all good.
  5. I didn't have the same problem. The 4 minutes included that part too.
  6. My update with vpn on took less than 4 minutes to complete. Buzz tv rocks!
  7. I guess I'll pass the great news on and big thumbs up to the buzztv developers. I just installed the new update and it is flawless for me. On top of that even though it's not in the release note, the 4 powerkey definition settings have been fixed suspend, force suspend, shutdown and restart are all back.
  8. It wasn't in the release note in the previous update that they were going to go missing either so I didn't think it would hurt to ask.
  9. Does anybody know if the missing options in the power key definition settings has been fixed with this new update?
  10. Thanks for your response
  11. Thanks again. In my settings I have 2 options. First 1 is "shutdown" and the 2nd is "restart" I don't have one that says "suspend"
  12. @nbs.Thanks, I tried this and hoped for the best but still powers on by first rebooting then the homepage popped on briefly before the buzzlive tv app opened on its own.
  13. Thanks @dishuserfor pointing that out. Like I said I'm new to all this.
  14. Two posts above @nbs.replied, "Reset your box"
  15. Reset the box? That's easy for people that know how to backup and save all their data. But if you're like me being new to all this, I just spent 2 weeks loading this box with a whole lot of stuff. Starting from scratch would be terrible.
  16. Not sure how to do that. For the past 2 weeks its just went straight to homescreen when I turned it on instead of restarting and then going to homescreen. If you could tell me where to go in settings to change this it would be greatly appreciated @nbs.
  17. @nbs. I can get to those settings and it's set to "shutdown." If I set it to "restart" my TV and receiver powers off but the blue light on the x5 stays lit up so I'm thinking it's not powering off. If I leave the power key definition set to "shutdown" my TV, receiver and box all turn off properly. The problem is when I try to power back on, instead of the x5 starting on the homepage it starts by restarting the box (reboot). It does restart properly after rebooting I can use the box but I'm just wondering why it doesn't power on to homepage anymore. Thanks for your response @nbs.
  18. Since the latest firmware update every time I power on my x5 starts in rebooting mode instead of staring on homescreen. How do I fix this?
  19. After update last night nothing but headaches. Box has run perfect for 2 weeks, now same as somebody else mentioned every time I power on the box it starts in rebooting mode. Power key definition is set same as before. Also box keeps disconnecting from wifi for no apparent reason. My wifi is working properly.
  20. Mine is opposite also. @BeachBum
  21. Thanks @dishuser. I did try this about a week ago and it didn't work, but I'm not sure if it was on homescreen or not but after your post I checked while on homescreen and indeed it does work. Thanks again!
  22. Have the exact same problem.
  23. I can't find any other weather settings besides the choice of Celsius or Fahrenheit, but nothing for location.
  24. Thanks a lot @nbs.I was just curious as I run vpn all the time. Hopefully someone at buzztv could change this in a future update.
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