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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Batteties just replaced... tgey are brand new im also on currents firmware and iptv 935 version. This literally just started today never had issue before
  2. Anyone else have issue with the bt250 remote stop working. I go to bluetooth acessories and it was unpaied i repaired it and it seem to freeze and not work. I had to unplugg the box and plug it back in
  3. Woody

    New firmeware

    I believe i saw in another feed that there was a new firmware being tested out for 4 series boxes. Is this correct or an i mistaken. Just curious
  4. Woody


    Mine stilll says weather not available
  5. Woody

    Tease Image

    Well my new box is def lacking in luster but is very spacious indeed lol even comes with its own lid love it thanks guys.. but def not the box i want... send over a power station lol
  6. Woody

    Tease Image

    WOOOW i got a free box lol..
  7. Woody

    Tease Image

    How bout a free box to test lol too funny
  8. Woody

    Tease Image

    Lol yep anyone know the price of this beast
  9. Woody

    Tease Image

    Lol im in windsor def cant get to vegas lol
  10. Woody

    Tease Image

    Any chance of being one of the few to test it out. Would love to try it
  11. Woody

    won't power up

    Had same issue awhile ago on my 4900.. found out if u have wifi off it will prevent it from turning on with remote turned wifi back on and have not had issue since i turned it back on
  12. 4900 5.0.893 wpuld like to grt beta updates if possible but i put on susoend and it stays blue and just turned box on again and guide was missing again all saying loading guide was full when i shut iy off
  13. No it happens when i shut down and susprnd function blue light stays on
  14. I went to try thr suspend mode instead of completely shutting my 4900 down... the blue light stays on and does not turn red
  15. Ok so guide qent out on me again after i shut down and turbed box back on its noy a server issue froend has same service on a diff type android box and his guide has not gone out... seems that when you shut down then turn box back on later it loses all stored guide info...
  16. Anyine get a message saying losy internet connection check internet when watching vod
  17. Are you guys still making the 4900 wpuld like to purchase another one
  18. Def guide is server issue as for my otger issue seem that a fresh install had corrected everything
  19. Now guide is stuck all it says is loadimg and nothing is loafing up.. would that be server issue been saying losfing for over an hour
  20. Yea not sure maybe someybibg didnt take right will see wat hapoens now
  21. Just seems that since new update came out box has been acting up so i fihure fresh install might correct issues
  22. Shut down and just came home turned on box and lost all my fav channels so i reset box and did restore not sure wat happened
  23. 4900 current 893 version and mac server
  24. Anyone have issue where guide loads tgen when u oower off box tgen turn it back it loses guide listings at all
  25. Woody

    back up restore

    Ok got it was able to move it with a diffeent file app
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