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Woody last won the day on December 5

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  1. Woody

    Back up

    Where is the back up feature on p6.
  2. no u can only do by number by name or postion that they are in cant rearrange or move them to ifferent positions like u can in buzz tv 5
  3. Group channel numbering and ability to arrang channels how we want in favorites .. theme as well
  4. Cant wait lol.. buzz 6 def fast at loading up very impressed so far
  5. Would be nice if there was a resume function on vod series like in buzz 5. Sucks if you have to stop watching vod then go to come bavk u have to start watching from beginning..
  6. Yep all is good and working now..
  7. Woody


    I hipe so its awesome so far from i what i see. And fast as hell
  8. Awesome speed at liading. Would be nice if we could change theme color like we can im buzz 5
  9. Ok contacted provider he is going to reset for me.. wull know in a few hours if it solved it..
  10. Ahh ok. So they will need to do reset.
  11. I will call them to ask to reset on panel. It is mac will see if that does tge trick
  12. No not that registration.... its telling me that it cannot connect to server... the buzz 5 app connects just fine but the buzz 6 app wont connect up. Already talked ro provider its not on there end. Has to be software glitch
  13. Ok so 2 issues buzz 6 app says device not tegistered on server but it is. If i use buzz 5 app it works. And when i press guide button on remote it tales me to the server page instead of opening epg. Not sure if these were covered just got my box today
  14. Woody

    Power options

    Bummer ok thank u
  15. Anyway to set option to shut device off instead of standby mode.
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