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  1. Today
  2. after initial setup press/menu/settings/configuration to restore buzztv app settings
  3. Thanks so much for your help Emporium and dishuser! I appreciate you!
  4. it doesn't matter reset only affects internal drive
  5. As you suggested, I did clear the cache and data before. I have saved the latest setup I have to my usb drive. So I guess I will have to do a reset as you suggest. Bummer that I have to reinstall my 3rd party apps but I get it. This may be a dumb question but do I keep the usb drive plugged into the buzz tv while doing the reset?
  6. Yesterday
  7. agreed.. On the classic you can can hold the power button, instead of putting something in the A/V hole (forgot about that) . But the rest of the process is the same.
  8. you can use the power button on the box for a hard reset
  9. Did you clear the cache and data from the 2 apps I mentioned ? If that does not work, then assuming you don't have too many 3rd party apps, you can backup your Servers, Favorites, and settings to a USB stick (Menu->Settings->configuration->Backup and Restore), then do a hard factory reset on the box to clear it and that will typically help. Check to make sure there is a ZIP file created on your USB stick before doing a reset (otherwise no backup) And keep in mind any 3rd party apps you have installed (like Plex, kodi, or others), you'll need to reinstall. Procedure: https://stbtalk.com/topic/300-factory-reset-hard-reset-xr4500-xrs4500/ Different Buzz box, same procedure for reset.
  10. Hello. When I did all you said Emporium (thanks for you quick response). It starts to update but the line on bottom of screen does not completely download, but it says it updated. When I check it’s still same S/W version.
  11. you can check for updates from home screen as well see what version you have you don't have to go to live tv
  12. From Live TV, did you try to go to Menu->Settings->Check Updates ? Do you get any message on the bottom when you press it ? If so, what does it say ? V20240202 is the correct latest firmware for the Classic. But the S/W version should be 5.0.935. If you want, from the HOME screen, go to "Setting icon" (top right), scroll down to "apps", "see all apps". Then go down to "BuzzTV 5" press OK, and then select to "clear cache". Press "OK" and then back.Scroll further down, and you should find "BuzzTV OTA" and on that one, you can scroll down and select "Clear Data" (this will also clear cache). Now go back into LiveTV and go back into Menu->Settings->Check Update and see if the message changes.
  13. I agree I just meant the word deadline because that what they have on the website I totally trust buzztv I have two 4500 two 4900 and one u5 and one x5
  14. I have a Buzztv Classic 5. Last update was 2/24. It’s OS version 11. Firmware version V20240202. IPTV version 5.0.913. Why don’t I have a June update yet?
  15. Who's deadline ? Like any new product, the schedules can slip. Development is NOT an exact science when dealing with new hardware and 3rd party SDKs. It's a new product. It'll ship when it ships. Last thing anyone wants (including buzz) is a product that has too many bugs. Pricey product with many bugs is a sure recipe for piles and piles of complaints. Better to postpone than to release. If you can't wait, then I am sure you can easily cancel your order.
  16. I think it's going past the deadline now and I will the first full week of next month so probably not next week but the following week
  17. hopefully you stop hoping
  18. still have more than three business days until end of July. but wait is always better
  19. Well it obviously won't be. It is still listed as "Pre-Order" on their web site. Even the testers here have not received their boxes. It is summer holidays and I am sure they are all exhausted, and probably need to iron out a few more issues in the software. Last thing you need, is to get an expensive box which is riddled with too many bugs. Better wait.
  20. Hopefully today my box gets shipped out
  21. Last week
  22. I never noticed this until just now lol.
  23. if you long press info button on BT400 remote control brings up initial BT pairing screen.
  24. Hopefully that it will be shipped either today tomorrow or Friday next Wednesday at the latest
  25. Will do. Thank You all for your assistance is has been greatly appreciated, Cheers Pat
  26. also ask your service if recording is allowed they might have it protected from being recorded
  27. you don't need to press info to see if it's recording do what nbs. said but first backup your buzztv app to a stick or card
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