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Everything posted by A C

  1. A C


    I tried them both, The Default & Secondary.
  2. A C


    It only happen on the xrs4900 not the xrs4500
  3. A C


    No not yet, going to do that.
  4. A C


    I be watching a channel (Starz) my my favorite and the sound go out and let it play and boom the sound returns few hours later.
  5. A C


    Yes because i have four buzztv boxes. And just bought another one.
  6. A C


    No sound for 2 hours on any channel. It happens once every day. I know thats craazy right. (LOL)
  7. A C


    Yes randomly for about 2 hours on a channel and the sound returns. No buffering or freezes
  8. A C


    Thanks, i will try that...
  9. A C


  10. A C


    Have any one ever have sound loss issues? If so how did you solkve it?
  11. Lol, thank you...
  12. Not with a fly out menu on the setting tab
  13. I'm not at home. The setting, weather and time on the top right is the default home screen. We’ll see who gets the last laugh
  14. I wonder want a reset would do?
  15. Got it, didn't realize it was beta, just got the box and it updated to it. I also have the 4900 and it don't have the update. Please delete my post, i'm done with posting wanything else...
  16. Feel free and delet the post, dude...
  17. I'm not under any NDA?
  18. What ever it is, i like the new look...
  19. They are quietly doing updates.. Thanks BuzzTV
  20. That was the test, before using the service app. Delete my post
  21. I used the service app and it's fine. I'm going to delete my post because i want this to the box #1. Hurry with the update!!!
  22. Having lots of buffering and i have another cheaper box with no problems, i wanted this box to brag and show off.
  23. I purchased another box, i should have waited. Thinking of return when it's delivered monday.
  24. A C


    They have not said any thing, troubled
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