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Everything posted by TonyC

  1. With an XC api, do you have to tell your provider when swapping boxes? Only in a thread I read, said you can use XC multiple times, but on different boxes?
  2. So when does it run out? It must have cost a fortune!
  3. Great, what are the current bugs with Buzz 6. I know about the MAC server for sts41, but other than that, for what i need it for, watching live tv, vod and series, is there anything else?
  4. Can you not put in one and not the other?
  5. Have all the Buzz 6 issues been ironed out with the updates? I have a XC api and MAC, will i have issues switching between both?
  6. Hi All, What is the difference, and do you have to select one or other, before uploading server portal?
  7. Great, so I'll have pretty much no issues. Great!
  8. I'm forever asking stupid questions, so bare with me. I haven't got my Powerstation as of yet, but will these updates already pre-installed?
  9. TonyC

    P6 Interface

    Thank you, and thanks for the screenshots.
  10. TonyC

    P6 screenshots

    Great! Thank you. And again apologies for my ignorance
  11. TonyC

    P6 screenshots

    Thanks for the screenshots, i've ordered one. This is a really dumb question, server screenshot, user ID is username for XC api? Sorry!
  12. TonyC

    P6 Interface

    Will it be as user friendly as it is currently?
  13. TonyC

    P6 Interface

    Hi NBS, How will it change? Many Thanks
  14. TonyC

    P6 Interface

    Same as the xrs 4900?
  15. TonyC

    P6 Interface

    Hi All, I believe the Powerstation is available very soon, would there be any possibility of sharing images of 'server settings' and how to load portal. Many Thanks
  16. TonyC

    P6 Interface

    That's why i bought the 4000 & 4900, because of the ease of use. I'm not that tech savvy.
  17. TonyC

    P6 Interface

    Sorry my ignorance, i thought it was getting tested.
  18. Hi Everyone, So is the P6, Buzz 6 app similar to the Buzz tv 5 app, such as the server settings , which is easy to use? Thanks
  19. Great, thanks!
  20. Has it arrived yet?
  21. TonyC

    Open Source

    So it's android open source. Exactly in lay mans terms what is that?
  22. TonyC

    Open Source

    So it's android open source. Exactly in lay mans terms is that?
  23. Many thanks for the info. I'm hoping that NBS, Emporium and Ryu, are testers, always informative and helpful. Thank you
  24. Great, I'll bombard them with questions! Haha! Maybe if they could upload images and/or video, of the user interface. Thanks NBS, appreciate your time.
  25. Great thanks, is anyone on this forum a tester?
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