Guys I have a big problem, I have (2) U5’s so I purchased (2) Samsung 1TB SSD to use as storage for any recording I want.
I formatted them exfat on my computer and installed them in my U5 boxes.
Both the U5’s recognized the SSD, and I set them up as removable storage, I recorder 2 programs to each of them.
I played all 4 recordings and everything worked great.
Later on I checked on them and discover it was saying Samsung USB drive is safely ejected, Samsung USB drive not connected! (I NEVER EJECTED THEM)
When I remove the drives, reboot my U5 and try to install them again the U5 doesn’t see them.
And the thing that troubles me even more, when I try to see them on my computer they never show up, like they don’t even exist.
What the heck went wrong???
Any help would be greatly appreciated ( I have a lot of money invested in the SSD’s) !!!!