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  1. I don't understand the big deal in providing your MAC address to the same people who made that box and are creating software for it. You know they already have your MAC address right? They're just asking you for it to differentiate you from the non-beta boxes to enroll you in the beta program. If they really want to steal your data they wouldn't need your MAC address. All they would need to do is modify the firmware with a backdoor, push that release to all the boxes, and call it a day. You do realize that these android boxes already have telemetry that call home for all sorts of services. Do you have YouTube or any other apps on the box? If you want to retain data privacy you should throw your android buzz box in the trash can and buy an antenna.
  2. I had this same issue when I updated it a few days ago. You need to go into the apps>system apps> bluetooth, then clear cache and force stop. Restart box, go to WIFI, enable WIFI, go to bluetooth, enable bluetooth, issue will be gone. You can now pair your bluetooth remote and you wont see that error anymore.
  3. Unless you mean I will be prompted with this info when I go to do the manual update to V20220106? If that is the case I will try the manual update but it would be useful to post it on that download page as well.
  4. Yes that is the case for OTA updates when it appears directly on the 4900 itself butI have not recieved the option to update to V20220106 on the box. When I check for updates on the box it says I have the latest version which is V20210422. I've only seen this newer version here on STBtalk as a manual update. Are you saying I should be getting this update on the box via OTA because I haven't.
  5. I would also like to know what has been changed in this new V20220106 update. The download page says "Alright in order to fix your XRS4900 you need to update with our latest firmware", was this released to fix a particular issue in which case we should not update unless we're encountering an issue? Why would this be available as a manual update but not available via an OTA update? It would be nice to get release notes as we did for past updates to know what changed to determine if we should update or not.
  6. I'll just have to put it in IR mode for now and wait to see if anyone else is having the same bluetooth issues. I may open an official ticket but the XRS4900 isn't on the list yet so I'll wait. Thanks for the help all.
  7. Still seems to be an issue. I will set the powerkey definition back to "shutdown" and see if it helps. If not I'll just have to unpair and use it in IR mode. I just wanted to know if it's a hardware or software issue. If anyone else is experiencing this let me know.
  8. saggybeans

    Wow 😳

    So far this box is superior to any other BuzzTV box I've used to date. UI is revamped and ascetically pleasing. The channel switching is smooth and extremely fast in comparison to my XPL3000. Might have a few bugs that need squishing but it's expected so close to launch, I'm sure they'll be refining as time goes.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I put the "Powerkey Definition" setting back to "Suspend" and I switched on the "stay awake" under developer options like you suggested. I will see if this fixes the connectivity problem.
  10. I will try to change the "Powerkey Definition" setting from "Suspend" to "Shutdown" and see if this fixes the problem. It only seems to happen after turning the box off for a long period of time, I'll report back once I test this out.
  11. Happened once again this morning. BT-200 turns on the box but does not work after. I used the remote from my xpl3000 (which uses IR) to go into the bluetooth menu to see what's going on and it says the BT-200 is connected (so it should be working). Anyone else have this problem? (Note: I am using the provided energizer max batteries and I have also tried another pair of duracell batteries, issue still persists. Yesterday I unpaired the remote and re-paired it in case that is a problem but problem persists.)
  12. I mean't to say "OK & Vol -"
  13. Yes, and I have it enabled.
  14. Hello All, I wanted to see if anyone else is having this issue. I seem to be experiencing random connectivity issues with the BT-200 remote when using it in bluetooth mode. For example I just turned the box on with the remote and it turned on the box but once the box booted up the remote would refuse to work. I tried to remove the battery and put it back in several times and waited but it would not control the box. (Note: the light on the remote does light up red when I press buttons). I manually power cycled the box by pulling power at which point it started working again when it booted up. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there a way to do a factory reset on the remote or something? The remote is currently working now and it says connected in the bluetooth menu, seems to be a random problem. Another issue I was having was during the initial setup when it asks to press the pwr & Vol - to sync the bluetooth remote. When I did this the red light would blink on the remote like it should but the box was not detecting the remote. I was forced to skip this step and set it up in the bluetooth options menu which worked. Hopefully it is not a faulty remote or box. I may be forced to use IR mode but I often have objects covering the box so I was liking the bluetooth capability.
  15. I noticed on my XRS4900 it takes quite a bit of time to load the EPG as well. I also have to manually scroll through the channel list for it to load in. It takes about 20-30 sec per page of channels to download the info. It appears that the box keeps memory of the EPG so it does not need to re-download after turning the box off and back on. The slow EPG loading may be a server side issue. I was not having slow EPG loading when using my XPL3000 though so it may be that the XRS4900 manages the EPG differently and the server does not like it. Hopefully the service providers update to support the new box or Buzz may have to update their app to fix this problem.
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