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Everything posted by Siddeley

  1. Thank you I will try what suggest.
  2. Thanks for the response. I was wanting to record it to a thumb drive or sd card as mp3 so I could take it and have tunes while traveling.
  3. I am wanting to record audio only. (music channel live tv) Am I out to lunch on this? I have only stuck a toothpick in there before and don't want to screw things up. Can I use the av port on the box? What type of 1/8 male plug is required? (tip & sleeve, tip & (# of) rings & sleeve) What is the type of output is it, (analogue, digital of some sort)? Would be recording to a mini computer.
  4. For headphones It is a rf transmitter connected by optical to the tv. Yes sony soundbar. Going to go through all the wiring, cables, coax, etc. to try and sort things out with some remnants from sat receivers .(would make a spider proud). There is no combination CEC that has not been tried on X5SS or the tv. Maybe a total rerouting of things will work. Stuff goes in and out holes in the wall behind tv, sound bar, and wall mounted shelf. Not to worry, probably making mountains out of mole hills.
  5. I have tried manual remote programing no joy. I will just have to resign myself to having to use 2 remotes. The one paired with bt works properly, but not the others.
  6. Tv is older sony xbr 65x900e. Any buzz boxe that I have used in the past 2000, 3000, 3900, 4900, U5 (until it died) were all plug and play with the remotes adjusting tv volume. With the buzz box volume set to high. Did not have to do any setting adjustments on tv or the buzz box. X5 ss just received. Decided to pair bt-400 and it works fine adjusts tv volume, except will not turn on or off the tv, no big deal. This remote lives in the kitchen and is used when we have our evening meal and is used to change news channels. Tried to get a second bt-400 to work. It will not work tv volume. It will not work any volume unless the force max volume is turned off then it will ony work x5 volume. I spent 6 hrs yesterday adjusting settings on tv and the x5 ss and 2 hrs today. Pair second bt-400 does not work or unpair does not work tv volume, it will work all other functions of the x5. I have factory reset tv and the x5 to no avail. Someone will probably say just turn tv volume up and use x5 to set the output level. Except I usually use headphones connected to tv and that is controlled by the buzz volume (tapping volume into tv rather than out?) I have tried every conceivable setting that I can find on the tv and x5 to get second bt-400 whether paired unpaired or reset to control tv volume. A arq 100 plugged in to the x5 does not work either. I could use tv remote to control volume but I liked the use of one remote as in the past.
  7. Siddeley

    U5 died

    No the same wall wart powers up the 4900.
  8. Siddeley

    U5 died

    Ordered 2023/07/01 has been working fine. Shut off last night when we went to bed. Paid not attention to it until now and it has no light on. Took out the hard drive, tried to do a reset on the back no luck. Wall wart is ok as I dug out the 4900 and it powers up. Any suggestions?
  9. Siddeley

    U5 startup

    Just a couple of minutes. I have never used that feature so do not know what the response time typically is. Did the unplug so will have to wait until it acts up again.
  10. Siddeley

    U5 startup

    Acted up again just now with turn on. YouTube. Can do a search pick a video but does not play. Shows search result icons click on one but no play. Goes to a black screen. VOD . Can pick an icon does not play. Live tv "menu" pick radio will play audio. ivptv is a mac server.
  11. Siddeley

    U5 startup

    Set to shutdown. Get the buzz logo etc. Goes to home screen briefly for couple of seconds then automatically to live tv. Hard wired connection. YouTube test will have to wait for the next time it acts up. Working properly right now.
  12. Siddeley

    U5 startup

    It first happened about 6 weeks ago then 2 weeks ago. Now it has happened 2 days in a row. When I turn on the U5 I have it set to go to live tv. The issue is when it is finished its start up procedure I have no video or sound. I have a loaded guide which shows me which channel I am on, I can change channels but still no video or sound. Changing severs does not make a difference. Menu works. Home button works. I have cleared all caches. On Kodi I get sound but no video. Turning off and back on does not work. To get it to work I have to pull the power and plug it back in. Hopefully I do not have to do a reset and lose everything saved. Any suggestions? Version 5.0.906
  13. I was going to do a factory reset to see if it would fix no stream problem with an iptv service. I tried to back up the box with a usb stick. Now I have a dead android on the screen with access door open, and android recovery on the top left in yellow and some options in blue, reboot system now, reboot to bootloader apply update from ADB, apply update from external storage, etc. etc. I stuck the usb stick back in got a (no such file or directory). Unplugging and restart ends up on the same page. Suggestions?
  14. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    Outstanding service problem fixed. Thank you Siddeley
  15. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    I have pulled the 4900 out and replaced it with the 3900 using the cloned mac address from the 4900 and the guide loads extremely fast on it. The 4900 may not like how the provider sends the guide. I do not know. I don't have clue as to how it works. Hopefully Buzz can figure out a work around I would like to use the 4900 but I like to have a guide better so I will use the 3900 until a remedy comes.
  16. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    This morning checked and the 4900 guide is still slower than the second coming. Pulled the 4900 out installed the 3900 . Cloned the 4900 mac address on to the 3900. Connected went to live tv punched in random channel # hit guide and the page loaded withing 4 seconds. Scrolled up and down pages in the guide and channels were being loaded. Swapped 4900 in did a reset waited until the box was done. Entered server address and connected. Picked a channel hit guide had that channel on guide loaded took 4 minutes 10 minutes later still have 6 channels loaded still waiting for 2. Half an hour later page down guide 1 channel loaded. Page up 2 channels loaded. It is not my provider that is the problem. The box and or the software is defective. the 3900 can fast load the guide the 4900 cannot and as stated above this box does not have the fast load button shown in Live TV Menu.
  17. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    Ok thanks will contact the provider to see if there is a fix. Odd though that the 3900 had no problems loading the guide. I transferred the sub from the 3900 to the 4900 so there should have been no change.
  18. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    I mean the missing fast epg load button
  19. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    Is this iptv provider issue rather than the buzz box?
  20. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    Do not have that Fast Loading EPG on off choice. pictured Thanks for the picture.
  21. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    Been there. Under guide/epg settings all I have is : epg time offset clear epg. No fast load option. Cleared epg still takes the same time. Cleared cache No joy.
  22. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    I searched and could not find a way fast load the epg. Will have to be led by the hand to the location. Sorry.
  23. Siddeley

    Guide or EPG

    Loading the guide. I pick a random channel and bring up the guide, it says loading on all 8 channels on that page. I timed it and it takes 13 minutes to load the 8 channels. Nothing loads on the page above or below the one I am on. I have left the guide on for an hour and it does not load information on any more pages only the page I am on. I did a factory reset just in case I messed things up somewhere when exploring settings. Same provider for years, same subscription as used on the 3900 which took about 15 minutes to load all the channels. There had been some glitches at times but usually works. Does everybody else have there guide load quickly?
  24. Siddeley

    power off

    Thank you for the location of the power off options. That was one line that I had not scrolled to the end of. Maybe a color change option for settings may come in a future update. thank once again
  25. Siddeley

    power off

    settings/configuration/theme - changes color on live tv menu not on BuzzTV utilities - still dark blue on black BuzzTV Utilities Power Options - choices are default Live TV (full screen) channel list epg grid I turned the box off with the power button on the remote. After a period of time it is still generating heat (maybe standby like the 3900 did as default setting) Still looking for a setting I may have missed.
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