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  1. Done they just sent it it’s now at 5.0.799 dramatically helps fix the catchup issues and PlutoTV now works on primary player and not secondary Thank you buzzTV and everyone that was super quick assistance this vidstick 4100 runs much faster
  2. Ok menu has finally appeared after about 45 minutes Yes I found the hard reset link instructions , but it was running 5.0653 and finally it updated to 5.0796 but that is old: 01/26/23 but I’m still waiting on the 5.0.799 stable release that was streamed last week on 3/16/23 I sent email request with MAC to customer arrive requesting they push down 5.0.799 to this mac thank you for the prompt replies it helped
  3. Yes I’m looking for the thread that tells you how to properly implement the “hard reset” technique with a pin. any suggestions please?
  4. Me too
  5. No I never heard from anyone, but to clarify a minor point, Im interested in a just backup option of Favorites between different model receivers; because a normal backup works fine as long as it’s the same type or model (ie 4500 to 4500) But if you upgrade your hardware/box from an older VT-4100 to these newer 4500/4900’s, the old backup image from the 4100 is not recognized by the newer 4500; thus you lose all your Favorites: VOD, Series and Live channels. and it doesn’t matter if you login in by MAC or ACAPI, you still lose them when you upgrade your hardware. Also, I suspect the reason the developers have not included this feature is because your Provider typically will “remap” locals and other Live channels, but they probably do not remap VOD or TV series VOD; so I’m hoping we can get some clarity before I start redoing my Favorites which is over 700 movies and TV series. This would be an extremely valuable feature moving forward..
  6. So, what’s the official BuzzTV response regarding backup of our VOD Favorites? will this ever be implemented as a separate utility?
  7. We really need a utility to do VOD and VOD series Favorites backups, and Live channels too if practical. If you have 500 movies in your VOD Favorites list, it literally takes weeks to re do them and this creates a powerful incentive NOT to upgrade your device moving forward. what’s the latest status please of getting Favorites export support?
  8. I too have had trouble transferring my Favorites (live channels and VOD) from my older Vidstick VT-4100 to my new XRS4500. My SDS micro card has been formatted as “removable drive” by both devices several times back and forth. In all cases the “backup” image is not recognized by the other device; thus no way to export your Favorites. apparently favorites can only be exported to or from identical models. is this correct? is there a 3rd part utility app that we run on the devices to manually export/import favorites universally among all BuzzTV devices regardless of model?
  9. Why is there no boot up sound like with my 3000? it made me immediately suspect the stick was malfunctioning or had corrupted firmware. can you reactivate it on the next firmware update please?
  10. No I only use external USB, and I already knew about the low power supply on TV’s USB ports which is obviously why it’s recommended not to use it. plasma or LCD is irrelevant, but there is definitely an issue with both our Samsung’s causing flashing green or blinking screen during initial boot up when USB power is electrically unplugged. as mentioned it always happens when USB power is unplugged and changing HDMI ports or cables no difference. It settles down after a few minutes, but sometimes can take longer like 15 minutes. But it ALWAYS happens. might be an issue that can be resolved with new stick firmware, but we both have identical issues and both our TVs are Samsung, which is probably not a coincidence.
  11. No he’s right, its also causing this same flashing on my Samsung and changing cables or HDMI ports does not help. the issue only occurs when you unplug power to both the USB and Samsung TV and after 15-20 minutes it stops flashing and returns to normal (ie no flashing) i suspect this is only an issue with certain Samsung plasma TVs and it involves how power is managed at hdmi port
  12. How long was this firmware beta tested? it seems quite a few users are stuck in a perpetual boot up loop (ie bricked or stuck at logo screen) or in some cases the 813b firmware fails the “file integrity test”. in my case it’s failed the integrity test twice on two separate occasions; moreover, the transfer download speed is extremely slow at 1.3 mb/s. could such a slow transfer rate be a factor? does this new firmware update address the missing sound splash effects one hears after the buzz logo first appears when rebooted?
  13. I did a soft reboot (unplugged USB power) and it boots up fine, so apparently it never passed the “file integrity test” imo it may be advisable NOT to install it, until we read more success stories, because this is definitely not smoothly upgrading. it’s bricked some units and it’s not passing file integrity tests, that’s two big strikes against it. im not touching it
  14. Explain exact “start again” please Pull usb power and do a reboot? we do not want corrupted firmware
  15. What’s the latest feedback on how this new ST 4000 OTA firmware is rolling out? how long typically after the 800 mb firmware download does it take to “ checking file integrity, please wait....”?
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