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Everything posted by Biz18201

  1. It’s all good my firmware was updated thanks to allaboutbuzz!
  2. I dunno maybe it can’t be updated anymore.. thanks for trying I appreciate it IMG_9760.MOV
  3. Buzz said 607 is the latest firmware we all know it’s not. if I cant get this update then I’m stuck with old firmware for the life of the box don’t know how that’s drama or offended you but oh well nobody insulted you relax
  4. Already reset, got an answer and it didn’t help. If that’s drama to you that’s just sad. have u ever helped anyone on here or?
  5. Updated Android Security Patch to May 2020 - Updated to latest Android 9 SDK - Optimized RAM - Added Working Netflix App - Updated + Fixed Chrome App - Added TeamViewer Quick Support. Remote Control support works now without a License. - Updated Backup/Restore Feature. Box will reboot and install a 2nd time - Fixed some Google App Crashes - Fixed the ding notification in the background. - Fixed the Media Player Launcher Crash - Fixed Power ON/OFF in suspend mode when using Bluetooth Remote And I would like any further updates, I did pay for it
  6. I did .. of course it’s an issue. everyone gets new features etc with 624 and I’m stuck on 607 for the rest of the boxes life!
  7. Anyone around today to help update my firmware?
  8. Where do I check that? if it’s that last digits of the firmware I’m on 607
  9. Who me? If so it says version 4.0.476 updated 6/11/2020
  10. I have the xrs4500 and firmware v20200607 no prompt for an updated And no update found when I check for updates?? any advise?
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