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Everything posted by spudnuts

  1. Anyone know if the stream option can be changed the HLS on BuzzTV 4? Can't seem to find it in settings. It is an option I believe on BuzzTV 5
  2. Yeah, mine does that every now and again. Seems to be worse when the batteries are in the way out. Remote eats batteries.
  3. This has now been resolved. Buzz4 has just auto updated to version 4.0.483 and all appears OK.
  4. It's an app update not firmware. You can remove in settings/apps/buzztv 4
  5. I am in Europe and I have read the reply from allaboutbuzz. I was replying to his comment. But thanks for useful reply
  6. Pm sent
  7. The TV series category wasn't missing but the only content showing was recently watched. This was the same with 2 providers. The VOD (movies) were OK. Sorry didn't note the version but updated automatically 3 days ago. I removed the update and all back to normal. Current version is 4.0.476. It did ttry to update again last night so I switched it off. Don't know how else to stop it updating?
  8. Hey, so buzz4 decided to update a couple of days ago. I went to watch some TV series from my iptv providers Vod and they were missing. Tried movies and they were all showing. I have 2 providers and tried the second provider with the same results. Tried rebooting box and router, no different. Went into apps and removed the update reinstalled my provider details and all was well. Anyone else had any issues? And is there a way to turn off auto update?
  9. Yes I have like I say its not a massive issue just sometimes you get a feed that's slightly out of sync and option to change sync would be good. Just a suggestion for future updates not a fault with the player or box.
  10. Not having many issues but would it be possible to have an option to change audio sync in a future update? I've seen it on other apps and works well and quite a handy feature to have.
  11. Yeah same for me. Just thought a viewed marker would be good.
  12. I do if its set to suspend mode, switches back on.
  13. My 1st Buzztv box and loving it. Any plans for an individual tv episode description in future updates? Also episodes watched marker would be cool.
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