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Rinny1 last won the day on March 2 2023

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  1. Thanks I’ll look into this
  2. It would only record max 10mins on any channel set the streaming to real time in the configuration and it’s working now what benefits using XC to MAC connection?
  3. Nope so I set the configuration real time streaming to on its working recorded 18 mins before I stopped it playing back just fine !!
  4. It’s recording fine, just for 10 mins I never record, but others are testing and having the same issue on the classic anniversary box same set up and server connection
  5. X5 file 5.0.946 using a Mac connection internal storage primary player
  6. Boxes x5 classic E5 set up recording, on any channel. Or one button recording or manual set up. max recording 10 mins buzz5 bug? server no problem, no glitches etc.. thanks
  7. So awesome, great work!! Works perfectly
  8. Same on the E5 boxes
  9. Loaded Firefox browser turned off automatic network date and time set the date time to manual boom login page opens
  10. I’ll try that in a different browser also puffin told would work. thanks I’ll let you know
  11. Hope someone can help me with this. How to connect to RV WiFi that requried to enter their password?. On my iphone I get google page to ckick on their info then enter the password. However with Buzz it doesn't open the login page, once Wi-Fi password entered, sign in below the wifi network name instead of connected. I tried opening Google chrome for the RV login page but no luck, a date and time error pops up.
  12. I have seen this before, it had been a firewall on a modem. Set to low or reset the modem, hold down the reset button for 15 seconds.
  13. Sure like to know what’s the difference, settings I checked everything. may your on a different server then me ??
  14. Am running the 888 file on my 4900xr the 884 been out for awhile on beta !
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