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  1. - Added a How to Videos Row to the Home Screen Just notice this addition on the Home Screen, very nice
  2. yes I know they are different. I also testing this with X5 SS and the AC models and the P6 and with Buzz5, buzz6 and now the Buzz Lite on the Lunix , same results across the board. Some days no issues, most days there are. While the dreamlink t1 device has no channel issues at the very same time the buzz devices do. I have given the devs here my server access a long time ago and even renewed that service access once since.
  3. been experiencing this for sometime. It started on the P6 box a few months ago, back in October, channels would work and then they wouldn't I would get that Channel Stream error message on many channels, even if I landed on a working channel and then changed the channel and the went back to that working channel it sometimes would no longer work and show that error message. Then the X5 SS box did the same thing and this L1 does it a few times as well. I thought it to be server error, but when I connected another device (like the T1 dreamlnk) and with the same server credentials, all channels work with no exception. Changed back to the SS device and the error message came back on many channels. I am still not convinced this is not a server issue with channels. I use a admin access and I thought maybe that is making the difference as the admin access allows me to use any available server portal, but I don't know , it's confusing especially when I connect the T1 and get no channel errors. I did send aab a video showing the Channel error messages on the P6 and then connected the T1 and no errors. But ironically that was around the same time my service had major issues which lasted a few days, so I didn't press the issue too much. Till I see this post from Emporium. I have also had reports from a few other people in private messages with same issues at times. Some days there are no errors, and some days there are and it's same with all the 3 buzz devices I currently testing. The L1 is showing channel error message today again on many channels, not just specific categories but across the entire channel line-up. * not the same server as Emporium
  4. I had the L1 off again for awhile as i was over on the SS model. I had the L1's power and ethernet unplugged. Then the update message appeared almost within a few seconds and it went forward. Didn't take long to complete.
  5. I had the ethernet and power cables unpluged since maybe last Friday. Just plugged them in today and that update message appeared right away. I get what you explained but didn't seem to happen that way here... unless the preload was very fast and went straight to the accept message?
  6. that didn't happen like that here. This L1 had been powered off and the power cord and the ethernet had been unplugged as I had been testing another device for last couple days. But wanted to write up a server setup guide for a friend so I connected ethernet and power cables. Then Powered on the box for first time in a few days and within the first few seconds that Update message appeared. I will be totally honest here. The only reason i brought any of this up was because during the update, just after I agreed to accepting it, I lost communication to my TV , it was an HDMI issue, but I was a bit worried I interrupted the update, so when that Home screen came back like it was I thought I had interrupted the update... I didn't want to mention that cause I didn't want o show my own stupidity, (I know that HDMI cable is faulty but I used it anyway) Okay, I was never here
  7. These 5 shortcuts are seen on Home Screen... VOD -- TV Series -- EPG -- Server Settings -- Settings
  8. nope
  9. the reboot put things back to normal. All shortcuts are back on Home Screen Cool Beans
  10. v1.0.106 is what this L1 now shows. It maybe a pushed test version. I'll reboot
  11. After newest update the Home Screen was scrubbed. Only the Server Settings and the Settings shortcuts are seen on the Home screen after the Update.. Not sure if this is an expected result , but thought I'd report it none the less
  12. There is no bestest setting cause it depends on conditions, usually network conditions, (a connection to a server is a network connection). If connection to your service works great and you have very good network, adjust it to a lower number 0-1-2 If you have high latency, high ping, vpn or not so good ISP and network, adjust it to a higher number >10 Buffer Time can effect two things. When you are zapping channels and when a channel buffers while viewing the channel. When a channel 'buffers' and with a higher buffer time set, then the longer it would take for the channel to reappear. The lower the setting, then it'd be quicker for the channel will appear. The longer buffer time is to allow more stream to preload before playback, so it would not freeze as much because it's got more preloaded, kinda thing. In theory. But Not all freezing is 'network' buffering though, so the buffer time setting may not have an effect.
  13. Hope everyone's Christmas season holidays went well and wishing staff and members a great new year to come
  14. Also did the update last night. I was quite surprised after the update was completed that I had the Buzz6 app sitting there on the Home Screen. I hadn't thought it was there before. Seemed like a nice surprise, or so I thought. You see NBS told me last night about the update so I powered on the SS and there sure enough was an update. And after completion there was that Buzz6 app there on the Home Screen. I run 4 boxes at once thru a HDMI Switch, so I never have to disconnect reconnect HDMI cables, All I do is power up which ever device I want and the HDMI Switch picks up the signal and switches automatically. Easy Peasy. But turns out I had the P6 powered on (which I didn't realize) and at same time as the SS, so the HDMI Switch recognized the P6 and so as per happens, the P6 also had an Update waiting, and that's what I thought was the SS update.... lmao... I thought it was funny, still laughing at myself... I was so impressed that the SS device got the Buzz6 app as a surprise
  15. loaded, installed and rebooted in approx 4 minutes total time
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