Also did the update last night. I was quite surprised after the update was completed that I had the Buzz6 app sitting there on the Home Screen. I hadn't thought it was there before. Seemed like a nice surprise, or so I thought. You see NBS told me last night about the update so I powered on the SS and there sure enough was an update. And after completion there was that Buzz6 app there on the Home Screen. I run 4 boxes at once thru a HDMI Switch, so I never have to disconnect reconnect HDMI cables, All I do is power up which ever device I want and the HDMI Switch picks up the signal and switches automatically. Easy Peasy. But turns out I had the P6 powered on (which I didn't realize) and at same time as the SS, so the HDMI Switch recognized the P6 and so as per happens, the P6 also had an Update waiting, and that's what I thought was the SS update.... lmao... I thought it was funny, still laughing at myself... I was so impressed that the SS device got the Buzz6 app as a surprise