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  1. with new update vod doesn't seems show right if you go into it then it shows correct but with clicking category it doesn't show newest content.
  2. Bobby1rai

    audio problem

    i have the same issue some channel audio works on default and some channels audio works on secondary. let me know if someone solve this problem.
  3. Sometimes.
  4. Bobby1rai

    Wifi problem

    Wakeup from sleep and wifi doesn't get connected is anyone having same issue. Thank you.
  5. I tried this morning and it worked. Thank you.
  6. When I try to update it gives me an error. Error code: 100
  7. I did the upgrade no issue at all but only issue is I can't organized catagories on live channels and on vod.
  8. You can go to all app and then look for aptoide and download youtube from that app not from google store. Thank you.
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