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Maestro701 last won the day on January 5 2023

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  1. Strange because when I start a recording it opens another connection
  2. Thanks for the info DU
  3. You're crazy mann
  4. You cannot record with one connection on the Buzz. I have no idea how you can record with this one connection on any brand device.
  5. Interesting to find out what "shortcut" I might have pressed to unpair the remote. Maybe it's the same one that pairs it. Won't be home until a few hours but if one of you guys can try it would be appreciated.
  6. Came home just now, add device and it paired just like that. Thanks for your assistance
  7. I did all that, yeah I have the manual from before but the remote control screen is not coming up
  8. Hey guys, rolled over on the remote last night and the screen to pair remote came up. Before I knew it it had disappeared and I noticed the remote is not paired. I tried to pair it but it's not happening. The device sees it and I click to pair but nothing happens.
  9. Go into device settings, apps, buzz, and enable storage permission. Try recording again
  10. I can't recall PVR feature asking for PVR access. Are you trying to record on an SD card or internal storage?
  11. The classic is truly a great device in the 5 series. In my opinion it operates better than the 4900. If those specs on the ultimate is correct makes me wonder what buzz cannot do
  12. You can also increase buffer size in configuration settings. See if that helps
  13. I don't have Buzz tv6 but I hope to see the implementation of favorite categories, where you can create a favorite list of categories like how we have favorite channel list. Or the ability to "select all" channels in a category to add all to favorite list. Another one bringing back the preview screen on home screen. Like watching a channel, hit home screen and small screen remains in top right hand corner. Finally, for xc login with multiple connections, having a PIP feature or a split screen. Thanks
  14. My unit took the update a couple hours ago. Manually checked for the update though
  15. I get what you're saying but this happens on every buzz model that has buzz 5 bro.
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