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  1. Updates don't do anything anymore, but I started the BuzzTV app, at this point it updated me to 937, restart , another start of BuzzTV app and now I am at 946 ! Thx again.
  2. Correct. IPTV ver. 5.0.766 20220919 still kind of seems "dated" - I asked support if I can go any further or this is it.
  3. OK, everything seems to work now. Buzz support made newer firmware available for the box - it is now 20220919 After initial portal setup, TV Series came up working just fine. Thank you for support - greatly appreciated ! Mike
  4. they will push the fw update? thx
  5. 2015 gives me No Beta Update Available I tried different combinations (assuming 2015 is a year) but it didn't do anything. Is there a way to load the firmware from USB ? thx
  6. XRS4000 firmware V20211111 iptv ver. 4.0.530
  7. thx for the suggestion but they are not
  8. I have the same issue with BuzzTV as well. Everything is OK, liveTV, VOD, but under TVSeries there is nothing. I installed Tivimate and I can see all the Shows - so on the provider side everything seems to be OK. As far as the player I changed from something like Configured to Default but it does not make any difference.
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