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  1. I noticed I just got an update the other day and live tv doesn't work now on primary player just a black screen with sound. It's almost like it doesn't support the streaming format anymore. I'm at a loss the box worked great until yesterday... A box reboot seemed to help but it's quite slow at loading streams now compared to before the update.
  2. So you don't think the classic will update to include these features in the future? I literally just bought 2 Buzz TV Classic boxes because I liked the style of them. Is there an alternative you recommend?
  3. Thanks so much! Please add it to the wishlist. I honestly thought these were basic features of recording. Like being able to access across devices and being able to limit the number of recorded shows. I appreciate you adding it to the list.
  4. I was under the impression buying 2 BT-350 remotes would allow me to do voice search on Buzz TV Classic. I just bought 2 of these IPTV boxes.
  5. Hello I am not sure if bumping is allowed but I'm still looking for answers. Thanks!
  6. Yeah I understand that but for some reason instead of doing a voice search in an app it opens up the regular channel search screen when you have IPTV channels loaded. It's very odd. You then only have the option to type. I do understand how a voice remote works. I'm wondering if it's a big with the newest update.
  7. Hello, I recently purchased 2 BT-350 remotes for my Buzz TV classic boxes. For some reason when you click the microphone button it doesn't do voice search. Instead it loads the search section. If you click the search button it doesn't search or do anything. Any ideas?
  8. Hello, I recently purchased 2 buzz tv boxes for IPTV purposes. I used to use a program called Emby which I could access in my phone and it would record to my PC and I could see my channel list on there and link guide data to channels etc... anyways what I want to know is if I have 2 or more buzz tv boxes is there a way to do something similar to access recordings and settings across boxes so I don't schedule recordings more than once for example and also access the recordings on both boxes? Also can you limit how much to record of a tv show like only 5 episodes on any channel for example. Thanks
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