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  1. So what would cause one user to freeze but not the other? Changing from automatic to the one seemed to fix it. I actually told them to switch to HLS now. Thanks for edit.
  2. most my buddies too. Ok and thanks will fix it.
  3. So my neighbour was having video issue with freezing on live TV (*****). This is only happening on certain TV brands, one being Sony the other LG both smart. All of his other neighbour with different brand are fine. We tried switching video format in configuration from Automatic to TS and it works well now. Question is should I tell him to run HLS or TS. I am wondering if it's certain TV's don't work well with the Automatic feature?
  4. jets

    Android 14

    Using Android phones you will be lucky to get one android version update and you want three from a STB that cost 1/10 the price of a phone...
  5. jets

    uSD maxium size

    No the SD slot is being used because it doesn't not stick out the side and they are $10 for 128GB I know the 128 works in the E5 so I thought it would in the B5 too. I had a look at the small sticks so that's an option too.
  6. jets

    uSD maxium size

    Is there a size restriction on the external SD slot memory size you can use on the B5. I could get a 64GB to work but not a 128GB. Should it take one that size 128 and bigger or is it maybe the card itself. Also is there a general guide to adding storage? I look around (read) in the mean time
  7. Thanks for getting this fix so fast
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