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Everything posted by sts41

  1. Funny, mine is the opposite, I can get connected to Buzztv 6 but BuzzTV 5 gives error that incorrect username and password. I am using MAC with no need for User or Pass. I am able to connect to Buzz5 on my older 4500 box. With all the bugs, I would really like to be able to connect to Buzz 5 for the next month or so. Unfortunatly, I sold the 4500 and it is now gone... I think that was premature.
  2. thank you for the update
  3. Watching shows in the past is not working. Tested on my XRS4500 with same stream and it is working there.
  4. Thank you..... That was it. Had to press down a few times through various selections, but then it did come up.
  5. Not sure if this is on the way or not, but I don't see the Backup/Restore config..... This saves a lot of time if you need to do a factory reset.
  6. Is there a way to default to BuzzTV 5 so that it uses that on every startup until they iron out a few more bugs in BuzzTV 6?
  7. in timeshift, when you use the FF and RV, there apears to be some menus's below the screen that cannot be seen. Workaround: None
  8. i am using ethernet without issue, and i did nothing other than do todays update. i have wifi turned off, but it did default to ether
  9. When in EPG, Red button does not bring up Categories Workaround: From any live channel, Press OK to bring up Detailed Channel EPG, then press Left Dpad to enter Categories.
  10. The EPG guide does not come up when remote "Guide" button is pressed. Workaround: Select Menu, and then EPG. When creating a PVR entry, if you Press OK on the Start or Stop time, you can edit the Hours, but cannot highlight Minutes, or adjust. Workaround: (From Emporium) when you get the popup for the recording details, you can change the minutes if you press left/right on the DPAD when you are on either date/time of start or end. But, if you press OK (for example on Start time) to go into the next popup to choose, then you select the time, then NO, you can change the hour, but no way to go right to change the minutes.
  11. I thought it would be great to have a place to report Bugs and if someone has a workaround, post that also. I will repost the Bugs I mentioned in another post, and the workarounds I was told, or found. If you find another Bug, please add it to this post and hopefully they will get addressed.
  12. Has anyone mentioned it before? and if so WHERE..... If there was a spot to check for reported bugs, I would check.... I did a search on "Minute" and nothing came up. So Please let me know where "Most of us" posted it?
  13. I asked that exact question and was told here was fine..... please let me know where I should post these....
  14. Ok, another Bug... in the PVR, when setting time, minutes cannot be edited.
  15. is there a place we should report bugs?
  16. I noticed the "Guide" button does nothing, and once you go through Menu and then EPG, the red button does not open Categories... I tried it on all my Remotes and none work for those buttons.
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