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  1. Mine is same as Woody, MAC and only live..... Even catch-up doesn't do it. I also have an XC sub that doesn't do this. I was hoping it was just a switch I could turn off. I will deal with it. If you would like to know the service, just let me know who to message with that.
  2. I disappears in seconds on it's own, just annoying Thanks sts41
  3. Is there a way to turn off the Stream Error banner in lower right corner? I don't see any issues with the picture or audio... don't really need that notice, Thanks
  4. Thanks eveyone..... Emporium thank you... I was looking at the X5 because it was only $10 more.... But now, classic will be my choice. I know a few mentioned the issues with stalker, and I have tried probably 10 or more 1 month subs to find another provider and nothing has come close to my stalker sub... I Know it is frowned upon to talk about providers, but if anyone private messages me another provider to test that is the "Best" I will be willing to give them a 1 month test Thanks all
  5. to record, I set the time... scheduled several hours after I go to bed, I rarely shutdown the buzz. So it may need to change channel,, but it is on. it is a multiday recording, same time everyday. Add a couple of minutes before and after normally I get from 5 minutes to 20 minutes of recording If I just wait for show and press record, that works hence the need for catch-up. NBS, glad to hear about X5.... I will order one, and hope it works as well as 4500 as far as catch-up is concerned. I will store away the P6 and hope for a better future. thanks steve
  6. So far the biggest mistake I have made was selling my Buzz 4500 before getting a chance to use the P6. I ordered mine the very first week, and It has brought no extra functionality, but has brought along a long list of bugs. Now it may be my provider, but I have never had all these issues with the 4500. If a Mod wants to know what provider I am using, please private message me, it is a stalker only provider. I know you will not let us know what provider you are testing on, so it will be hard to measure Apples to Apples... but here are my gripes: PVR never worked well on the 4500 (Buzz4 or Buzz5) but it is no better on P6 (Buzz5 or Buzz6) lacking PVR, my next best way to watch shows in the past is catchup. That worked 95% of the time with the 4500, I am lucky if it works once in a week on the P6. Always getting stream error. I regularly talk to the guy I sold my 4500 to and another friend with the same 4500, and all three of us are on same provider.... And only the P6 is having all these issues I never get buffering on either of the units (4500 or P6), and I have pure fiber internet, and I am running through a dedicated VPN. I am seriously considering an older Buzz that may be a bit more mature. Maybe a Series 5 or even an older 4500, and wait a few years for the P6. I know you guys are working hard on this, but for the price... It has been a very frustrating experience. Thanks Steve
  7. I had the same issue after the update, I used the BT500, went into "Home", "Utilities", "Volume Control" and turned off "Force Max Volume". I then used the volume control on the remote to raise the volume of the P6 to Max... then turned back on "Forced Max Volume" This worked for me, and I hope it helps you....
  8. The IR code change for pause/play works GREAT.... Thank you. Just as a note.... After the update I had very little volume. I turned off the Max Volume always setting.... Increased the volume, and then turned on Max Volume, and all was good.... Thanks for the great work.
  9. You appear to be correct, but neither is much good. With Buzz6 any multi-day recording erases the schedule after one time through. So have to re add everyday. But it seems to understand how a clock works and will record for the period programmed into it. Buzz5 keeps the multi-day schedule, but couldn't read a clock to save its live. Put 40 minutes, clips it to 30 everytime, if it records that much at all.
  10. What is the advantage to using XC? other than just being able to switch between apps? If it is a lot better, I could ask my provider if it is available.
  11. This depends on your provider. I am using MAC and if I put my server in both, one will login and the other will fail. Provider needs to reset my connection if I want to switch.
  12. i am using: Crucial P3 Plus 500GB PCIe Gen4 3D NAND NVMe M.2 SSD And it is working fine
  13. Because changing back and forth requires me to involve my provider, I don't want to send the poor guy a reset request every other day. Here is what I found in Buzz 5 so far.... Far less "Stream Error" in catchup Multiday recording works. (In Buzz6 it would record the first occurence and then erase schedule) IR Pause button doesn't work in either Buzz6 or Buzz5, but I believe that is a firmware rather than app issue. The Guide button appears to be tied to the Buzz6 servers since when I press Guide, it asks me to enter a server. But Menu-> EPG works fine as a workaround. I will be testing Backup and Restore in Buzz5.... This is only Day 1 and for the most part it is working better for me. I will watch the updates and if I see enough progress, I will go back to Buzz6
  14. So I think it will be many months before Buzz 6 is ready for regular use. If I get my Provider to reset my connection so I can select Buzz 5: Is there a way to get powerstation to start in Buzz 5, or must I select the app each time? Will recordings automatically work from the app? Will it startup powerstation in Buzz 5 and record shows? Thanks Steve
  15. After a recording, Category switches back to "All" instead of staying on "Favorites" This bug was also in Buzz 5.... But thought I would mention it.
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