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Everything posted by Fossil

  1. I have an XRS 4000 and for the last few days my guide s not loading properly. About 90% of the chanels either display "No EPG Available" or "Loading" The very few that do display the information are doing so properly. I have left a message on my providers website but have not received any replies. Has anyone else seen this or have any ideas what could be causing this? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Thanks. It's the keystrokes that have me confused. Backspace, save etc. It's hard to figure them out with this remote.
  4. It has been a long time and now I find that I can't remember how to make and save changes in my server set up. xrs4000 Many Thanks.
  5. Sorry -I found it.
  6. Thanks - now Can you tell me how to get back to the modern screen. I am coming to realize that that this is far above my head.
  7. Can you point me in the direction of this setting please?
  8. AArrgghh!! I know that I have been able to do this in the past.
  9. Just don't want the grandkids pushing the record button. That's what it boots up to now. You know kids and buttons.
  10. W hen I boot up my XRS40000 , the bar at the bottom left always shows the red button as RECORD. How can I get this button to show CATEGORIES when I boot up?
  11. Fossil

    Download manual

    Just looking for a few answers. Such as why my power light flashes4 or 5 times each time I hit a function button. There are other questions as well, but I don't want to bother you with straight forward questions.
  12. Fossil

    Download manual

    Thanks guys. Manual is pretty vague, but thanks for tour help.
  13. Fossil

    Download manual

    Pic? what pic?? (embarrassed)
  14. Fossil

    Download manual

    Can someone please explain to me how to download the manual for the ARQ-100 manual? Thanks
  15. I finally got there. I selected the modern and it seems to be ok now. What a journey. I am going to quit pushing unknown icons. Thanks for your help and patience.
  16. Sorry, no settings button. What square do you mean? ?
  17. That screen shows a Rubic cube of button,, aptide TV button, a Google play store button a folder button with a + sign, a Buzz TV 4 button and a + button with an circle around it. That's all there is on that screen. What is Buzz Classic ?
  18. That takes me to the screen that has the Google play store and 3 or 4 other buttons.
  19. This may sound stupid but I cant find the settings button.
  20. Can someone tell me how to boot up to the main screen? Somehow I got into booting into the Buzz screen and I can't figure out how to get back to booting up to the Main Screen. Thanks.
  21. This seems to have been the problem. it's working fine on other seasons. Thanks again.
  22. Ha!. this is the story of my life. l Guess that I'll proceed to season 6. Thanks flor the help. I'm trying to find a new server. Thanks again.
  23. I have tried it on both. I get the same result either way.
  24. After the factory reset everything has to be reset? Thanks but I'm not ready for that.
  25. Fossil


    I did this and can see all of his posts on that page but not in my regular forum page.
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