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Everything posted by Fossil

  1. HA. Getting hold of that provider can't be done.
  2. No chance of that happening
  3. Sorry - you are way over my head here.
  4. Help. I inadvertently (or should I say stupidly) reset my XRS4000 box, and now I can't get anythinmg loaded into it. I was running BUZZ TV4, and now when I power the box up, it tries to lolad BUZZ TV5. It starts to boot up, then it says "cannot load portal: incorrect username or password" Now Im really stuck. Is there anyomne out there who can help me? Thanks
  5. Thanks guys. I'm in the middle of making up a new favourit list. I still cant figure out how I got into this mess in the first place.
  6. After trying, I am able to find some of my channels, but they are few and far between. Its a real mess. I have to click on Catagories to view a channel, but I can only keep that one channel in a group. If I go to another catagory - say comedies, I have to repeat this process.
  7. A sample of what I see when I, press the red button is 1136-SV-TV Oriente. This what I see for a pile of countries as well as individual cities. None of my original channels are there. It looks like my connfig has been replaced with all this new stuff.
  8. Sorry. When it boots up, it stops at the screen with a bunch of icons, like Live TV, EPG etc. I push the EPG icon and it goes to a list of different cities. Sorry about the Brazil - thats where I landed the first time. The selection of channels is mainly tne US channels and then countries around the world., mostly network feeds. Nothing at all from the original channels that I had before this happened.
  9. Can you please tell me how do do this? Thanks
  10. Looks like my ship has sunk. Somehow I have lost all of my strart up information. Now the machine on ly boots up to the main page and wont go any farther. Now instead of displaying my channels, it goes to the Brazil channel list. I have tried rebooting, restartingnd even booted up in Safe Mode,. Any ideas? Please dont kick me too hard, I'm old and feeble. I have checked my server info, and it all looks OK. Thanks
  11. Fossil


    Can I send you a PM tomorrow? Its kind of embarassing, showing the, whole world how stupid i am.
  12. Fossil


    I cant figure out how to type with the bremote that I have. I'llhjave to get my son over here tomorrowm tom see if he van give me a hand
  13. Fossil


    I think I have tine infom writtrn down. I'll give it a try.
  14. Fossil


    I'm afraid to try
  15. Fossil


    Help!! I am stuck at the Server Settings screen an I can select is froma short menu window that pops up.creen. Ptessing the buttons just comes back to the choice of ZC API LOGIN, M3U, lor the + sign. (Sorry abouit the typing but my keyboard is on the blink here. Soft and hard reboots just bring me back to the server setup screen.
  16. Thanks very much.
  17. On my XRS 4000, there us a bar that has appeared under the main screen that looks like the task bar that you would see on your PC. There a couple of volume type icons, a camera icon a stop type icon and a couple more. Can someone please tell me what this bar is and how to make it go away?
  18. Who can tell what that was all about. Thanks much.
  19. All is well this morning.
  20. I hear what you are saying but there has to be data sent for me to receive EPG data on a few chanels only. And I don't see anyone else having this problem. All of the programming is being received, but only a bit of the the EPG data? Seems weird.
  21. Tried all of that and nothing changed. There is only about 1.39 in the cache. Funny that some channels show the data and some don't.
  22. Well, that was a short fix. It loaded a few more channels then went back to the No EPG Available. Do you have any more ammo in your pocket?
  23. Thanks to dishuser and Ryu. I appreciate it.
  24. Can you please point me to the cache settings?
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