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  1. I'm not sure? My buddy downloaded the Hive app for me and it works fine but I am not able to record. In order to record I think I need to go in through LiveTv on the buzz box but when I click on LiveTv it takes me to the server screen. And now I am lost!
  2. Hello, Can I record more than 1 program in advance on the U5 Buzz Box. I need to be able to watch a program while recording others!
  3. GAM

    Log in to live tv app?

    Okay, Thanks
  4. I click on live tv app and it takes me to MAC Server on server settings screen! I can not open anything except Add M3U playlist. The screen says Portal Name is Server 1 and Portal URL http:// I do not know what to do!? Please help if you can as I am a bit frustrated with this BuzzTV box.
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