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Everything posted by eagle

  1. The problem found. It is the Buzztv5 update. The update has another problem it caused some channel corrupt stream and freeze the display a little while. I check with another iptv player at the same time and channel there is no such problem. Then I found there is a way to remove the update and back to factory version. The recording and corrupt stream fixed. It is the problem of the update.
  2. Thank you for your reply. The fast-forward does not help because the video and audio record in the same stream. I believe to change the video format will not help either. The only way is how to record ads audio.
  3. It is interesting. It can bypass the audio but not video. It can record video ads but not audio ads. It looks like audio and video in different channel.
  4. Buzztv records iptv program is very good. There is a problem to record public iptv. The video will record the ads but audio skip the ads. So when it plays back after the ads video and audio will not synchronize. Is any way to skip record ads video or include ads audio in the recording? Please help.
  5. When I play back the recorded show before commercial break audio in sync with video but in commercial break audio will skip the commercial but video not. Can you tell me how to either skip commercial video or still record commercial?
  6. When I play back the recorded show before commercial break audio in sync with video but in commercial break audio will skip the commercial but video not. Can you tell me how to skip commercial video or still record commercial?
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