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Lawrence Calhoun

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Everything posted by Lawrence Calhoun

  1. How can i plug a flash drive in and play movies on VLC
  2. Since the box is brand new and i check for updates weekly, didn't see it would be an issue. But you never know what you don't know
  3. Thank goodness someone at BuzzTv sent an update to my U5 yesterday. I have been recording just fine ever since. So to whomever at BuzzTv sent the update, My Thanks to you. Also appreciate all the kind advice from members in the thread i unwittingly hijacked.
  4. Formatted on the U5 as removable storage
  5. I have done a factory reset I'm using an ethernet cable i have formatted my 1TB hardrive i keep getting media format is not supported errors sometimes it lists the recording as if it there. But it's not I reconnected my XRS4500 and it records perfectly. The only difference is the U5 So i'm stuck using my 4500 to do all my recording. The irony is i loved the 4500 so much, i thought the u5 would be a worthy upgrade
  6. What i mean is i followed the instructions to the letter. No i have not tested the hard drive on a PC. It works perfectly at times and then there is a rash of random failures. I do occasionally check to make sure the SSD has not ejected. The "media format is not supported" error is most prevalent. I have no idea what it means. I am a 65 yr old barely computer literate neophyte. Honestly i don't know to test the SSD on a PC. Do i need to connect the U5 to my PC? How do i proceed to check it.
  7. Details: My recordings are failing at an alarming rate. Format not supported by media errors No recording found errors when the file is listed as completed. My Samsung SSD hardrive is properly installed and formatted The past 3 days not 1 recording worked. 1 was successful today I have the same issues whether the Time Skip is on or off I had non of these issues with my XRS4500. I thought i was buying an ugrade
  8. No i just want help getting this brand new android box to perform like it's supposed to. I can't get help or advice anywhere.
  9. Why has my U5 stopped all successful recordings? Every recording has failed the past 3 days due to "Format not supported" errors. At one it was working perfectly after i dsabled the TSkip. Then it went into 50/50 mode with recordings. Now they all have failed for the past 3 days. Can anyone help?
  10. Lawrence Calhoun


    As of today, i have not had a single recording work in the past three days. All media format errors and a couple of messages say no recording found. Never had any issues whatsoever with my XRS4500
  11. Lawrence Calhoun


    Starting to think my WiFi is the issue. With Buzztv 4 everything was fine. The inconsistency and unpredictability of my recording issues suggest streaming issues. My streams were good enough for the XRS4500. But not the U5. Dang confounding issue.
  12. Lawrence Calhoun


    Starting to think my WiFi is the issue. With Buzztv 4 everything was fine. The inconsistency and unpredictability of my recording issues suggest streaming issues. My streams were good enough for the XRS4500. But not the U5. Dang confounding issue.
  13. Lawrence Calhoun


    I don't think that's my issue. Some of my recordings worked are an hour or so long
  14. Lawrence Calhoun


    I am having the exact same issue with a 1 terabyte Samsung SSD. How do i format to this exFAT?
  15. There is so much to love about my brand new U5. But 60% of my recordings are failing. Everything from media format issues to the recording being listed but actually not there. I never had any recording failures with XRS4500. It's getting so frustrating i sometimes feel like going back to the 4500. Has anyone else had these issues? Can anyone offer some advice.
  16. Yes i formatted my 1TB ssd as per instructions. I turned the TS feature off and all my recording work perfectly. I have not gone back to try and use TS again yet.
  17. Getting a message that says my credentials failed. Yet i have never been allowed o enter any credentials. There are some there. But they can't be mine. This is my inital setup. It says thr new revision of Disney+ is not compatible with my device.
  18. Getting and error message that says "media format is not supported" when trying to replay pvr recordings. thatnks in advance for helo
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