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  1. I noticed in live tv with P6 that there are a whole row of options missing, change player etc. P5 works fine all options are there. i have the latest update 809. no problem works great very fast response.
  2. I had problems pairing mine also had to shut off box 3 time then it worked.
  3. I don't know when it started didn't pay much attention to when it started i don't think it was because of the update, i would have noticed.
  4. Hello there the power key def was set to suspend so i changed it to shutdown and it made no difference.
  5. I have the power key set on default and it is the same power supply that came with it ,it was working for a long time. I tried turnig on and off the wifi setting about 6 time turned off with the remote but won't turn on. Yes i did a reset wit the hole in the back of the unit. I'll keep trying with the wifi keep fingers crossed. Thanks for you'r help people.
  6. Have to go out for awhile will check again tomorow . cant spell.
  7. I did a hard reset. No luck
  8. Ver-9 20220923- iptv ver-5.0.799
  9. Just tried another remote that has a dongle still won't turn on ,once on, the remote works fine. It's past the warranty.
  10. Yes it turns on when i plug it back in it just doesn't turn on with the remote once it is on the remote works ok shuts off ok with remote just won't turn on with remote.
  11. Yes it was hard wired and wifi was on so i shut it off and tried it no luck on or off, sorry i took so long to respond i wasn't expecting another solution. Not that big a deal i just got to remember to unpl;ug and plug it back in to turn it on before i hop into bed.lol. Thanks.
  12. It was off to begin with so i turned it on and off made no difference. Thanks for trying
  13. It was off to begin with so i turned it on and off made no difference. Thanks for trying
  14. Yes and unpaired and paired several times and a hard reset remote works fine once it is on but have to unplug and plug back in to turn it on ,shuts off ok with remote just won't turn on.
  15. I'm having the same problem as above.can't turn on only off.
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