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Everything posted by JerryinToronto

  1. Hi, my E2 can not find a saved network, yet it is not far away from the router. It is actually on the same floor as it. My 4900 does not have any problem m, even being on another floor Thanks
  2. I checked Primary! Now it’s fine! thank you!
  3. Secondary is checked
  4. Secondary is checked
  5. I don’t know what video player I’m using. How do I check that?
  6. I have tried both services on another box. No problem
  7. I just downloaded the latest version while setting it up earlier today
  8. Hi, I can not get subtitles to be shown on myXR4000 that was just set up. I have another unit at home, same one, that shows subtitles fine.. I have tried two IPTV services and I can not see any choices for subtitles when using the left arrow key while watching a channel
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