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Michael Wright

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  1. You are right, bunch of jackasses here.
  2. The cabling, it all passed on my test gear, and the U5 is the only streaming device out of over a dozen in the house that has issues. Everything else runs just fine. I have home runs from my electrical panel to the AV gear, NetGear switches, a variety of QUALITY Cat6 Ethernet cabling, installed myself and tested. The ifi device worked, it solved an ongoing issue along with improving the picture quality. In fact, I have a dedicated ISP for the streaming, and a separate one for the rest of the house. And yes, I swapped around ISPs and still had an issue with the U5. For $89 it was worth a shot, and I could return it if it did not work, well, it worked. Lot's of folks swear by these ifi sticks, stating it solves these hang up issues with a variety of devices, especially with streaming music and some hardware. Saying it is snake oil when so many out here, at least in my research, have solved these annoying issues with this particular device. Some of the streaming devices, all without issue, all hard wired... 2 Roku Ultra units, two Apple TV units, one Volumio Rivo Streamer, one WiiM Ultra streamer, two WiiM Pro and one WiiM mini streamers, one Pi2 Mercury V2 streamer, and probably a few more... The U5 is the only one with issues, and the ifi LAN stick now has it running pretty solid. Snake oil or not, which is BS, the device works.
  3. Well, sorry to disappoint, it works. Even the picture quality improved. That is the problem with you measurement guys, you are like a cult. You will bash folks, but will never put your money where your mouth is and actually purchase the products you tear apart. It is like commenting on a book you have never read. Hypocrisy and dishonesty, what a way to live.
  4. Well, I was trying to help folks out with IPTV services, I thought this would help. Instead, smartass remarks. I will erase the above, no use wasting my time with a device that actually works. Thanks guys!
  5. I was having issues with the screen freezing and of course buffering on my U5. On a whim, I bought the ifi LAN iSilencer and installed one at my Comcast/Xfinity router, and another at my Verizon router, I have two ISPs, two different internet services, so two of these ifi units in my case. The freezing and buffering issues are not 100% gone, but I would say 90% is. We have watched TV for hours at a time in the past week without one single freeze on multiple channels. And my troublesome channels, the freezing issue is now not that big a deal. It will freeze at times, but now it is momentary, and pops right back. Check out one of these ifi LAN iSilencer units, they work on both wired and WiFi setups, I have tested. Hope this helps someone.
  6. Thank you sir.
  7. Will a 5v 3.0 amp power supply handle the U5 with an internal or external hard drive?
  8. The U5, what are the USA power requirements for the U5 in regards to amperage? Does it require more for hard drive usage? Does it matter internal or external on amp ratings? I did find one post that stated that the U5 power supply is 12v 1.5amps, is that true? I lost my power supply in a move. Thank you.
  9. I reset the U5, took a few times, switched TV providers, now everything appears to be working and stable. I believe much had to do with the TV provider, and issues with the U5. But, hopefully we are through this and everything is working, and will continue to work. Technology... Main issue was the provider, they went dark on me, on one server, but I had a full program guide, then the M3U server we had programming, but no guide... They are gone, new provider appears to be working quite well.
  10. Everything is working now... Reset the U5, changed providers and now everything seems to be stable. Remote is now working, and can control the TV. What a headache.
  11. Loaded up the update, lost remote control function, did a factory rest, remote now work. But, all I get now is the "Time Shift Error: Stream not available". It just flashes over and over. I have rest the server several times, double triple check EPG loads no issues, everything is there, now no stream at all, and it was working fine prior to doing the hard rest to fix the BT-400 issues. GRRRR! I tried YouTube, works fine. TX switched on, external hard drive attached and recognized. Now, black screen with time shift error flashing. Any suggestions? I have tried everything I can think of, including erasing Cache and resetting the PG numerous times, along with shutting the U5 down by pulling the plug. Even on the Home Screen, non stop flashing time shift error, stream no available, on the Home Screen? Go to EPG, VOD, nothing loads.
  12. BT-400 remote no longer works via BT, I have to be within a few feet of the box to get it to work, roughly two to three feet. I reset the remote by pressing the "zero" and "down" button. I went to the Home Screen to pair, and discovered the buttons for both the Buzz remote pairing and the Buzz OTA no longer work. I click on them, the screen fades to blue, and right back to the Home Screen. When I went to settings, to the remote settings, I can no longer control back lighting, it is faded out. I cannot access any BT-400 remote settings. Then the freezing, now it is every half hour, I had it virtually eliminated prior to the upgrade. Looks like another hard reset is in my future. The juice is getting to the point it is no longer worth the squeeze.
  13. Well, reset the remote, still need to be right up on the box to get it to work. Reset the remote, but discovered the second row access buttons no longer work on the home page for Buzz OTA or Buzz Remote. I click on them, the screen fades and goes right back to home page. Screen freezing every half hour now too... Very annoying.
  14. Thank you.
  15. No, no description, and I did check again. Hit the arrow to the left to see if there was a hidden menu too. Nothing.
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