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allaboutbuzz last won the day on September 6

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  1. Some issues reported on here have already been fixed on OTA updates Anything outstanding has been reported, and when fixed will be mentioned in our change logs for OTAs Thanks for everyone's comments so far
  2. Thanks for the detailed feedback, everything has been documented and reported to the team
  3. I think they mean the X5-SS as being Orange Even though its Red.
  4. Those load at the same time as live TV Just in the background We don't have a feature to boot into them instead of live though
  5. And these are not apps you would find in the Google TV Play Store As it is different from the Mobile Play Store. However, Mobile apps do work on Android/Google TV boxes You will just need to use a Mouse for most of them. If you have the APK for them, you can side load them onto the box as well.
  6. Did you search for it on the Aptoide TV Store?
  7. When on the Home Screen or Live TV Press Menu Go to Settings and Click on it Click on Configuration Scroll to the bottom and you will find Start Live TV on Boot Turn this on After doing this, Live TV will automatically login to the last server you used after a restart.
  8. We have individual Colors for a reason 1 Per Version only. And we can't use USB-C. We already looked into that.
  9. We were able to reproduce the issues We will need to look into fixing them Did it have issues before our last OTA?
  10. NEW UPDATE FOR P6 Aug 30th, 2024 THIS WILL DOWNLOAD IN MULTIPLE PARTS FW Version 20240830 Buzz 6 App Version V1.0.20 Firmware Changes: - Removed QA quick connect wifi options since it is not supported - Replaced File Explorer - Fixed BT Icon from OS 6 app in settings drop down - Fixed volume controls not working (CEC Audio) - Updated all RCU keymaps - Fixed Buzz button mapping - Improved BT device pairing in settings - BT improvements - changes aligned with original SDK - Fixed BT audio path and playback of sound on BT audio equipment - Fixed Unsupported codec passthrough (new changes verified) - Fixed Bitstream Audio - Added Overscan(zoom/display size) - Added Color adjustment options to Settings->Display->Advanced display settings" - Enabled replacing default launcher from settings and replaced text (Advanced settings -> Launcher Settings). You can now switch to Third Party Launchers - Updated OTA app to show correct Buzz 6 App Version in OTA updates. - Enabled long press power menu and implemented it to be controllable with RCU - Fixed Play/Pause BT500 mapping in IR mode - Fixed Remote Navigation bugs with the D-Pad on apps like Downloader. - Updated Buzz 5 to V5.0.937 V1.0.20 Buzz 6 Changes: - Fixed the app couldn't load some movie info on XC servers - Fixed the app couldn't load some EPG data on XC - Fixed some TMDB info wouldn't load - Updated keyboard layouts on Server Settings - The Updated Keyboard Shift button, now has 2 different states: short press turn on 1-time letter capitalization, long press turns on capitalization until clicked on Shift again - The Updated Keyboard, now when you long press on buttons with letters , it writes capitalized letters as if Shift was active - Fixed a bug when the app wouldn't load some movies on XC servers - Fixed the app would show some debug information in some error messages when failed to connect to servers - Fixed 24H Time on the Home Screen. 12H and 24H Time are both now supported - Fixed C and F for Temperature on the Weather Widget on the Home Screen - Removed decimals for Temperature on the Weather Widget on the Home Screen - Fixed tmdb info wouldn't load for some movies - Fixed login issues on some XC servers (the app couldn't load servers) - Fixed channel list wouldn't load on some XC servers - Fixed "already connected" issue on some servers (needs some testing) - Fixed a bug on EPG where it was all odd characters on some servers Please leave feedback below Thanks
  11. Thanks for reporting this We will fix it
  12. Thanks for reporting this We will look into it and fix it
  13. Its L1 Widevine You can confirm this by opening the DRM Info app that we have pre installed on the box
  14. We will fix the 24/12 h time in an update. Will look into the Weather. What surround sound system and button controls are you referring to exactly? And you mentioned some buttons don't work? Which ones exactly and what apps are you trying them on.
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