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About tooldady

  • Birthday 05/16/1963

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  1. Thank you to the people on here who care and help without the smart ass remarks I have to say that I experienced the same rudeness from some last time I came here looking for help and made me uncomfortable to not even want to ask for help again Have a sweet one
  2. The remote controlled everything perfectly and still does until after the update now when the box is turned on the volume is at max level and have to turn down
  3. After the last update The volume is preset at maximum level when the box is turned on every time it is turned on I have the force max volume switch off on the remote apps of each also any help would be appreciated X5 64AI V20230815 HDS 4GB ram 32GB android 11 V20230815 Thank you
  4. Made it work I had to hide them all with red button then had to show them individually with yellow button even though the yellow button did say hide after showing the first one it did still continue to show. Thank you for the help
  5. I also wanted to share that i tried hiding all categories and only showing the ones i want using the checked boxes and it does the same thing will only change the selected one inside the fixed line then the yellow button changes again
  6. Hi trying to remove and only have the categories we use listed i see the boxes to check after checking multiple categories to remove and clicking the yellow remove button only the category positioned inside the red line that does not move will be hid and not the multiple checks that i have made and then after hiding that one category that yellow button turns into a show button so i can not even remove them individually i am kinda stuck and confused
  7. Buzz Box X5 64AI V20221011 Just upgraded from 3000 to the X5 the live tv category organizing is different and am struggling to figure how to remove unwanted items any help much appreciated
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