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Everything posted by jawjahpeach

  1. Update showed Preparing system update... for over an hour. I exited and started over twice, letting it run 45 minutes the first try and 25 minutes the second. On the third attempt, it finally successfully downloaded and installed after about 10 minutes. Internet connection and speed are good.
  2. Does the HD5 not support .der root files? I have tried to download one several times from sites. Each time, the file is converted to a .crt file. I uploaded a .der root file from another device, emailed it to myself and downloaded it. Only then did it show as a .der root file. However, when I attempt to import it, I get this error message: Value 0[diamond] of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject. I had no problems downloading or importing it on the X5. Thank you.
  3. Which flash drives are compatible with the X5 and for which purposes can they be used?
  4. I left HDMI and power unplugged for several hours Saturday and was able to navigate and use the X5. Sunday I spent another 2 hours trying to get some response from the X5 and getting the remote re-paired. It seems to be unpairing on its own. I left HDMI and power unplugged until Monday. Occasionally I was able to navigate from Live TV to All Apps but no farther. Today I was able to navigate from All Apps to AppInstaller, but no farther. Most of the time I am unable to navigate at all. With each troubleshooting session, the error it's different. At times, the remote will power on the tv and the X5. Other times only the X5. The X5 powers off by itself. There is no rhyme or reason to the process and there too many different situations that have occurred to list here. I have re-paired the remote multiple times. I have also hard reset the remote. All of this started with the latest update last Thursday.
  5. allaboutbuzz Forgot to mention that I've already done that. Also, now the unit won't turn off if plugged in.
  6. Also, the air mouse is not working so I am unable to access the smart remote app.
  7. After the update, I was watching an on demand program n Kodi. The boxX5 stopped responding to the remote for all functions except powering off, which I did. After powering back on, there were no issues until yesterday when I powered the X5 on and the could not nagivate the home screen. New batteries made no difference. The remote was about a foot away from the box. After unplugging the X5 for about a minute and a half and plugging it back in, it powered on and respnded to the remote. This morning after powering the X5 on, I am again unable to navigate the home screen. I unplugged the X5 twice, the second for several minutes. I've done manual pairing, factory reset and removed and replaced the batteries. The first two times I powered the X5 on this morning, all apps was highlighted, instead of live tv as it has always been. The third time live tv was highlighted and I was able to navigate to the first app icon on the bottom row, but no farther. The fourth time the first app icon on the bottom row was highlighted and I was not able to navigate away from it. The last 2 times live tv was highlighted on powering on. I am unable to navigate from there. I have had the unit seven weeks. After powering on, I have always had to press the down or up button several times before the X5 started responding.
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