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Everything posted by Djtank

  1. Djtank

    ARQ 250

    Willis remote work with the X5??
  2. Well I guess that's my inexperience. I just thought zip files have to be extracted. I wasn't sure from the video whether they did that or not
  3. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for all your help. Well yes I can thank you so much The instructions I got were to download them as a zip file so the video was incorrect that somebody sent me
  4. What I did was I downloaded the zip file and then I unzipped the file and at that point moved the 3 files together to the SD card. Can I just move the unzipped files one by one onto the SD card?
  5. Sorry I misunderstood some previous questions when I do what you just said I see a folder that says X5 boot card. Inside that folder are the three files that I was talking about
  6. I downloaded the files onto the SB card according to the video what am I supposed to see when I look at the contents of the SD card?
  7. No I don't think so just each file and the size
  8. I formatted the SD card first. When I put the SD card into my computer all I see on it are three files that were downloaded. I do not see any folders. When following the instructions on how to use the SD card the procedure does not work. As I stated when I release the button the green light comes on immediately and the files do not download my box reverts back to the way it was. The SD card is one that I have used in the past in my cell phones. Maybe I should try a different SD card? Or a new one?
  9. I put the three files on an SD card when following the video instructions the light turns blue right away as soon as I release the button. Cannot get the box to update. Current firmware version v20220628
  10. Djtank

    Updating X5

    so what happens if I never update my X5 buzzTV box. I read other people's boxes turn into bricks.
  11. So I have to do this every time there's an update? Why are other people are able to update?
  12. Couldn't I just do a factory reset and try to download?
  13. I think I can find one in an old phone
  14. My X5 will not update. Tried numerous times. It will download and then tell me to reboot. After rebooting nothing happens it locks up. I have to unplug and plug the box in about five times so that I can use it and then it tells me to update. While watching shows a notice will pop up telling me to update this is really frustrating. This has been going on since I bought the box about 4 months ago.
  15. My X5 will not update. Tried numerous times. It will download and then tell me to reboot. After rebooting nothing happens it locks up. I have to unplug and plug the box in about five times so that I can use it and then it tells me to update. While watching shows a notice will pop up telling me to update this is really frustrating. This has been going on since I bought the box about 4 months ago. V20220628 it's my current firmware version
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