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Djtank last won the day on November 7 2022

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  1. Djtank

    ARQ 250

    Willis remote work with the X5??
  2. Well I guess that's my inexperience. I just thought zip files have to be extracted. I wasn't sure from the video whether they did that or not
  3. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for all your help. Well yes I can thank you so much The instructions I got were to download them as a zip file so the video was incorrect that somebody sent me
  4. What I did was I downloaded the zip file and then I unzipped the file and at that point moved the 3 files together to the SD card. Can I just move the unzipped files one by one onto the SD card?
  5. Sorry I misunderstood some previous questions when I do what you just said I see a folder that says X5 boot card. Inside that folder are the three files that I was talking about
  6. I downloaded the files onto the SB card according to the video what am I supposed to see when I look at the contents of the SD card?
  7. No I don't think so just each file and the size
  8. I formatted the SD card first. When I put the SD card into my computer all I see on it are three files that were downloaded. I do not see any folders. When following the instructions on how to use the SD card the procedure does not work. As I stated when I release the button the green light comes on immediately and the files do not download my box reverts back to the way it was. The SD card is one that I have used in the past in my cell phones. Maybe I should try a different SD card? Or a new one?
  9. I put the three files on an SD card when following the video instructions the light turns blue right away as soon as I release the button. Cannot get the box to update. Current firmware version v20220628
  10. Djtank

    Updating X5

    so what happens if I never update my X5 buzzTV box. I read other people's boxes turn into bricks.
  11. So I have to do this every time there's an update? Why are other people are able to update?
  12. Couldn't I just do a factory reset and try to download?
  13. I think I can find one in an old phone
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