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NsC0001 last won the day on February 8 2024

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  1. Thanks for helping. its something to do with my Samsung tv. I switch to hdmi port 2 and that fixed it. Can’t find anything in tv settings that would do this, but it working now
  2. Its a Samsung 7 series (58)lcd Anynet+ is set to on as I also have a Samsung soundbar
  3. Same result
  4. No I used the backup option in config. i then selected internal memory and did the reset So lost it all with the reset. The rest didn’t help as I still have the same issue.
  5. Yes I’ve just done a backup so will try reset
  6. Yes I tried that but is does the same. After power down it goes to 480 then inhale to switch it back to 1080 toggling the auto switch
  7. Hi you can select resolution in settings then display. But my system defaults back to a low resolution after a power down
  8. Hi my box was in storage for a while as I was remodelling the house. I now have my system setup again but noticed the display setting are lost each time I start up. I have tried changing the hdmi cable but change. Any help would be appreciated. thnaks Neil
  9. Think I got it working again. Looks like my sd card had gone offline. So back online and migrated apps and VLC now working as normal
  10. Yes same issue
  11. Hi couple of days ago when I play vod VLC spinning cone starts spinning but does not go away? Using vlc up to then was always good? Anyone else have this issue and or a fix?
  12. Hi is it possible to get an option in series to play from start? I noticed if you watch something again it won’t let you. I found a work around in the VLD player but it’s not handy.
  13. I’ve reset the box and that seems to have resolved it.
  14. Hi From today I started getting the message that an update for buzz tv 5 was being downloaded and successfully installed. But when I check the version (5.0.795) nothing has changed. If I check updates it does the same again. I restarted the device and it did the same again. is there a new update that is failing to install?
  15. I have installed a ram cleaner to see if that helps and as for closing unused apps I only use the box for tv only. So just the buzztv app is used.
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