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sunnyc last won the day on January 31 2023

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  1. I sent the box to buzztv and they fixed it and upgraded to latest firmware.
  2. Contacted support and their response was exFAT should not be used. I am not sure if that is the real reason why my box got bricked. For any one, do NOT update with exFAT file system. I am sending in my box for RMA.
  3. Sent email and hope they can do something to bring the box live.
  4. I waited for 30 minutes, removed card and tried without card. System does not boot and LED is RED
  5. I tried with exfat and repeated same procedure. Still the LED is RED. I am not sure what options I have now.
  6. oh! I followed the instruction which said FAT32, let me try the procedure with exfat.
  7. Windows does not allow to format a 64GB card to FAT32; hence I have to create a smaller volume.
  8. 64GB card, volume created to 16GB and formatted to FAT32. I cannot find any cards in shop smaller than 64GB (just got it today)
  9. It has been 20 minutes and LED is sill RED. I have SD card formatted to FAT 32 and three files in the root folder. Followed the instructions as seen in the video. Any thoughts?
  10. I tried the SD card procedure, it has been more than 5 minutes still the LED is RED. Should I wait longer? Or is the box bricked?
  11. Thanks Emporium, will give it a try and update later
  12. where can I download the files needed for the update?
  13. @allaboutbuzzI have sent you a PM with my MAC address, please let me know how I can get the latest version on to my X5.
  14. As Emporium suggests, I will wait for response from allaboutbuzz then proceed with update via sd card.
  15. I found a similar post ( ) with even a older version and the solution was to download 3 files and manually update, after which all upgrades will go well. I have PM allaboutbuzz and wait for the response.
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