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Everything posted by bubba

  1. I have it in buzz 5 section but not buzz 6. only thing listed is lock, sort, favorite, and search or is it located somewhere else. what am I missing.
  2. Is there a way to organize favorites like in buzztv5 by select and moving channels to a new position in the list. I don't see a menu item for it, or is it still being implemented in a future update?
  3. I'm using the SAMSUNG 980 PRO SSD 1TB and it is working great so far. Plus its cheaper than the 990.
  4. bubba

    New update

    Here is what was posted, I found. The local ip server looks very promising.
  5. bubba

    New update

    Looks like next time an update comes down, I think I'll wait till the next day to install, to see if it doesn't crash on everyone else's. The only thing is, from what I read on the update, it has things in it that I've been waiting for, so hoping it gets worked out,,,,,
  6. Maybe it could be added to a wishlist for future update? Don't know, but would be nice.
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