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  1. Keep in mind that the server will often marry to the first box/software you connect to it after the reset.
  2. MAC sub ? If it is a MAC sub, then odds are that your provider is binding to fields like DEVICEID1 and DEVICEID2. So when you change from one software to the other, it may require a RESET on the server panel. That's not a buzz issue, but rather a Server issue. Solution.. If they support XC, switch to XC type sub.
  3. Have you tried with VPN ? Many ISP (especially in Canada) are blocking and throttling IPTV streams.
  4. Next time please don't post in 2 places. Wired or wireless ? Try wired to ensure it is not a wireless bottleneck. Also, are you sure it is not a bandwidth issue on the server ?
  5. Doesn't matter if it says "up to date". Can you please provide the version number that is is listing ? V2024xxyy..... That is the firmware. Thats from main screen setting icon, updates I assume ? S/W should be listed there also typically it is 5.0.xxx.
  6. Did you ever give them the details of which service/server you are using ? It is probably specific to your service providers server. I use at least 3 different servers with XC and don't have those issues.
  7. When you say it is UP to date, can you post the versions of firmware and software please ? I'm assuming you already tried to toggle the WiFi on/off ? If the box is configured to always "suspend" rather than power off ,can you please try by unplugging power to the box, wanting 5 seconds and the plugging it back in. Suspend mode can have some strange side effects which accumulate over time. Most importantly. Has this been an issue from the beginning or did it just start occurring ? How long have you owned the box, is it possibility still under warranty (check checking) ? If all else fails, you can try doing a hard factory reset and see if that fixes it. You can backup your server settings/favorites to a USB stick first (to make at least BuzzTV 5 easy to reconfigure afterwards). But any 3rd party apps would need to be reinstalled. If it is a software glitch, this can help. However if it is an underlying hardware failure of the 5Ghz radio, then there is not much that can be done. BTW: Did you try swapping the antenna (between left and right or even with other box) ? Maybe one of them is just dead. Different box, but exact same procedure : https://stbtalk.com/topic/300-factory-reset-hard-reset-xr4500-xrs4500/
  8. Do you see a single SSID and router does the band steering, or do you see 2 separate SSID typically on that router (separate 2.4 and 5Ghz SSIDs) ? Do you see any OTHER 5Ghz SSID from neighbours or anything ? Or if you have an old router, even without connecting anything to it, can you plug it in, power it up and see if it broadcasts an SSID on 5Ghz and then check on the box. Just to make sure it is not some compatibility issue between chipsets.
  9. Even if it was, the device would crawl after that. It is an older device, limited to BuzzTV 2, but still useable. Hey, maybe time to buy a new buzz box. Buzz has a nice sale going on for Black Friday.. 15% off boxes, and effectively 25% if you buy 2 boxes, so get a friend and get 2 My buddy just ordered 2 Classics, and came to just over CDN$140 tax and shipping included. That is an awesome price for those boxes.
  10. Improved Performance ? Wow. Thanks. Damn, this thing will fly soon. It is already pretty impressively fast for such a budget box
  11. Do a soft reset first like nbs suggested and then you can do a hard reset if you want I've hard reset it many times, and never had an issue. But then again, my classic is connected to a computer monitor.
  12. Je n'ai pas apparié mon 4900 depuis des années. Mon x5 SS a apparié les deux télécommandes presque immédiatement lors de la mise sous tension initiale. Peut-être que vous avez beaucoup trop d'interférences RF chez vous, ce qui cause ces problèmes.
  13. Non, mais vous n'avez pas besoin d'appairer la télécommande CHAQUE fois que vous allumez la box. Vous l'appairez une fois, puis elle se connectera automatiquement à chaque fois que vous allumerez votre box.
  14. But you do it once, and you don't need to do it again. So even if it takes 2 or 3 times to do it, once it is done, you can forget it. I have over 10 buzz boxes, and sure, there is the occasional stubborn box that takes 2 or 3 times to pair, but unless I reset the box or remote, there is never any need to re-pair it. Both of my 4900 boxes have been paired to their respective BT200 remotes for years now, and I have never had to pair them again.
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