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  1. There is obviously something the current player doesn't like in the way it interprets the stream I think the best is to maybe message Buzz with details on which service, what type of sub (MAC/XC..) and which channels are causing the issue, so they can try to see if it is possibly a "bug" in the player. The easier it is for them to reproduce, the better chance of getting a fix.
  2. Well, he can "technically" edit the MAC now that is is an option again But true, not with his/her current MAC.
  3. Absolutely. With the BuzzTV 5 update on that box, it is still perfectly capable. But like you said and I mentioned on my last line, need a new server sub (not on this forum however).
  4. Sorry, but this is a support forum for the hardware and buzz software. We do not discuss different services (which you already broke that rule). The box is not defective. The issue is with your service provider. If it is a MAC based sub, they need to do a reset on their panel. If it was XC, you need to get the url/username/password (which should have been given to you). If you can not get in touch with your reseller, then unfortunately you are out of luck. Like I tell every person getting into this hobby. Do not invest more than you are willing to lose. Even the best provider, which has been around for a years, can vanish tomorrow. This is just a "hobby". Time to look at other forums (since we don't discuss services on this forum), to find another service.
  5. And the MAC account shows an expiry date of 2024..
  6. Did you even check that your subscription has not expired ?
  7. Considering you went through the hassle of uninstalling updates, etc... You should have probably just done a hard reset as I mentioned above, to start 100% clean. Backup player is exactly that, a "backup". It will be slower and possibly with glitches compared to Primary. So if Primary does work, try to stick with that Also, keep in mind that you bought one of the "latest" devices released (other than the PowerStation), and the first device to actually be based on Android 13. Issues can be expected, just like anything else that is new design. You buy a $$$$$$ new car, and if it is a new redesign year model, then it is often riddled with recalls and updates, which takes time to iron out. Nowadays things get to market quickly, and there will be issues with everything. Hell, you buy computer hardware nowadays (motherboards, Video cards, etc..), and they no longer even include a CD for drivers and stuff, because by the time it get's to the consumer, it is already way outdated. If you wanted something super stable, you should have probably considered one of the previous X5 incarnations, like the X5 AX/C versions. For the hard drives, you had and tried one of those power cables which allows you to take power from more than one USB port ? Or just as a test, would you have a USB hub which has it's own power adapter ? Even if it is a USB 2.0 USB hub, at least to determine if the problem is USB power availability or now for those drivres. When you plug it in, do you actually feel the HDD actually spinning, try to spin up - but spins back down, or does it not even spin up (and potentially just producing a clicking sound ? And are you using he power supply that came with the X5SS, or just using any other USB-C power supply you had lying around ?
  8. It is usually a single line in the manifest for it to be allowed to be installed on AndroidTV. If your company makes the app, then it should be trivial for them to build a version with it enabled. I know I have done it on other apps ages ago, by dearchiving them using Android Studio, then editing the manfest and recreating them. Been ages though. It was for 1 app specifically that I would do it for, I have not even tested using a touch screen monitor on a Buzz box. I should probably pull out my ELO screen sometime next week, and see if it works when the touch controller i plugged into the box. Does the app give an error during install, or does it install, but you don't see an icon in the default androidTV launcher ?
  9. Actually can you be more specific on which type of apps ? I have installed pretty much everything I install on all my boxes and have not had any issues. I have all the APK downloaded on a USB stick, and insert stick and install them all, one after the other... (beetv, hbplayer, mxplayer, solid explorer, smarters, windscribe vpn client, keepsolid vpn client, greektv app, and a few others) with no issues. OK, if the app is not designed for use on a device with a remote, you may have to enable mouse pointer. If you need to do this often, it may be worth considering getting a buzz ARQ-200 series remote, which has Gyro style sensing to move mouse cursor. Or even a cheap Mini Wireless Multi-Media Keyboards off amazon, they are damn cheap, typically under CDN$15. Keep in mind however that this device is running Android 13. So the app needs to be compatible with Android 13. Some TV apps are still way behind for that.
  10. Neither do I. And I've been doing quite a bit of recording testing these last 2 days, no both the X5 SS and the X5 AX/C Like I mentioned in a previous post. Maybe he should do a hard reset. something seems to have not configured properly. But he hasn't even posted his f/w and s/w version. He just keeps on ranting. Whatever.
  11. I have tested at least 10 different external drives, from LaCie, to WD Passports, Seagate, and other cheap no name brands and have no issue with them if I use the USB power splitter cable. Tested with both NTFS and exFAT formatted drives. However this DID require a firmware update since there was some bug in earlier versions. For Tivimate, there is nothing that buzz can control. Is Tivimate even Android 13 compatible ? The latest shield if I am not mistaken only goes up to AndroidTV 11. Android 13 may take a while for 3rd party apps to become compliant. Can you post the Firmware and Software version from the Update screen ?
  12. For most VPN services you can also download the APK directly from the web site using a PC, and you can then put it on a USB stick and install it from the USB stick inserted in the box, using either file manager or App Installer.
  13. I have seen cases where VLC actually spits out an error for something about location when used as external player. Not specific to buzz. "Sometimes" an uninstall and reinstall fixes the issue, sometimes it is pretty stubborn. I have since switched to using HBplayer, because it is simple, lightweight and just works. MX Player also works well.
  14. From LiveTV, try hitting the MENU button on remote, Settings->Check Updates. For external player, I have seen that VLC error before. And not only on buzz boxes. Very bizarre. IT can't seem to find the path. I have a few players installed including MX Player and HB Player. Also, quick question, are you SURE it is not your provider with VOD section being down right now ? I know one of the old classic popular server (starting with an "O") has all their VOD down at the moment. So no matter what you do, it won't make a difference till they fix it on server end.
  15. Actually, I think you can record, but only what you are watching, and once you start to record, it will not allow you to change channels, since there are no available connections. And recording what you are watching, works perfectly fine on my x5 ss. However I do think there has been a small bug introduced in one of the latest updates with "scheduled" recording. They record, but I think the times are all messed up. Doing some more testing and once I nail down the issue, I will report it. For the HDD problem mentioned above, the box does support NTFS and 4TB drives. However many mechanical based drives draw more current than the box is capable of providing over a single USB port. USB sticks, SSD based external drives, or external drives with their own power supplies are usually not an issue. For other drives that are only USB powered, you may need to get a cable similar to this, to be able to pull power from 2 USB ports. If all else fails for the recording, since I assume the box is relatively new and not customized yet, you can try doing a hard factory reset just in case there was some glitch during first configuration script. Here is the procedure. Different box, but procedure is pretty much the same: https://stbtalk.com/topic/300-factory-reset-hard-reset-xr4500-xrs4500/ BTW: Would help to post the Firmware and Software version from the Update screen.
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