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  1. Still having problems with recording . 1. Can't record a show and watch a recording in the buzztv app the recording stops and fails in the buzztv app 2. When recording in buzztv app and click on the home screen the recording stops and fails 3. Having issues recording back to back record's one show and the other fails
  2. I must of read it wrong sorry
  3. In one of the updates it said that we can download catch up how do you do that
  4. Current firmware version v20220106 Current IPTV version Last update 09/28/2002 My recording issues are 1. Can't record a show and watch a other channel the recording stops and fails in the buzztv app 2. Can't record a show and watch a recording in the buzztv app the recording stops and fails in the buzztv app 3. When recording in buzztv app and click on the home screen the recording stops and fails 4. Can't record a show on the guide in the buzztv the recording stops and fails 5. Having issues recording back to back record's one show and the other fails
  5. Thanks for the help
  6. How do you turn backlight off on the BT200 remote
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