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About Pat

  • Birthday 04/22/1943

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  1. Have the Powerstation 6, got the X5 out of the drawer to check out an app. Gave the notice of an update so opted to update. Came back later to a reboot button, it started the reboot and looked like it was starting ok then I left the room. Came back 5 minutes later and it was stalled. Waited a while longer and no change. Unplugged and plugged back in and the same startup Buzz icon. The next time it is totally bricked. No lights or activity. Any ideas?????
  2. I’m still stuck with the V20220624 firmware. Is there a timeframe for an update. Still a lot of issues!
  3. I’m still stuck with the V20220624 firmware. Is there a timeframe for an update. Still a lot of issues!
  4. I was really impressed with the hardware when it was announced. Spent $200 but it looks the units with 0624 firmware must have a piece of unique hardware so it can accept the published updates. I afraid we are stuck with a bastard, alone and unique!
  5. My X5 has the 20220624 firmware. It looks as if this version is a bastard version. The versions updated have release numbers that appear to be both pre and post my version. Wil my version ever be normalized?
  6. My X5 has the 20220624 firmware. It looks as if this version is a bastard version. The versions updated have release numbers that appear to be both pre and post my version. Wil my version ever be normalized?
  7. Updated the latest firmware file. Slowly it is getting better. Still waiting to be able to connect my remote to the tv.   It says to point the remote at the tv.   It gives message like trying 1 out of 0. And does nothing.  I just go back to my fire tv box and hope the promise of the x5 is fulfilled!!

  8. I watched on YouTube a CNN video on the 1/6 hearing.  The audio kept changing volume mostly getting less.  I changed back to my Fire TV Box (latest model) and watched the same video and it’s volume was consistent.   I have noticed the volume fluctuations on my X5 before.   I hope a firmware update will solve this and not being able to program my remote to my tv!!!

  9. Pat


    Glued a rubber O ring on the remote. Much easier to use!
  10. Pat


    Yes, I read the instructions and tried many times. Even tried variations! Nothing.
  11. Pat


    Yes. Last was a fire tv box
  12. Pat


    I read the instruction on linking the remote to my Vizio M55-C2. I used the Smart Remote app it made it seem it was running through different codes to find my TV. Nothing. I did it several times and waiting a long time. I also tried the procedure listed on the remote instruction pdf. Held down Enter key with back arrows and got the solid red light. Tried advancing through codes by pressing + Channel button every 3 seconds . Nothing. Help!
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