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PapaS last won the day on June 11 2022

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  1. Remember the motto "If it doesn't work right, SHUT UP!"
  2. Never got it and that's probably my fault too
  3. I thought had to download files to a USB drive to do it. I don't own a computer and if I did I still don't know how to use one. I'm older don't have any friends that have one to use so I'm stuck.
  4. Yeah it's my choice that I can't afford a computer. Shame on me
  5. I didn't plan on having to drill holes and install 50ft of ethernet cable either and I didn't plan on being stuck on original firmware either oh well.
  6. I had this issue too, I never found a fix. Now I'm using ethernet because it happened steady and didn't have wifi issues on any other devices. Stays connected hardwired.
  7. I'm still waiting for my sd card to be sent to me. I was told last week by @allaboutbuzzbut maybe forgot?
  8. @dikuser I don't know why you're bringing up my sister Karen. She has nothing to do with buzz. Grow up, shut up and keep things on topic instead of insulting people (my sister). If you have nothing intelligent to say and you don't, than just zip it. You are single handedly wrecking this forum.
  9. Thanks @nbs.Do you have there email address. They contacted me earlier requesting receipt of purchase but I can't seem to leave a screenshot but I could forward it to them from my email.
  10. Thanks again @Emporium.Happy to know
  11. Thanks @Emporiumfor that info. Unfortunately that 0624 is my current firmware and don't have a computer I'm wondering if I don't update, will my box become toast eventually for not updating?
  12. Is there a way to get this update if you don't have a computer?
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